
I just enable Flash when I need to, but most of the time it stays off. Which Flash-heavy sites give you the most trouble?

Is Slanket similar to one depicted below?

Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe.

normally i would dismiss this shite.
but honestly ty for proving my point and amusing me.

anyone else want to play?
i hesitate to ungrey trash like this in other people’s threads because it’s not very polite to inflict nonsense on people who want to have a serious discussion, but this is my thread! i can

Now playing

Superman throwing his ‘S’ in Superman 2

Roddenberry used to talk about being friends with L. Ron Hubbard—and Roddenberry would boast that he, too, could have started a religion if he’d wanted.


As somebody already mentioned in the comments Star Trek TNG and Battlestar Galactica (albeit a reboot) are good examples. I would add Farscape: The Peacekepeer Wars, it gave us an ending to a good series even if it was a just a mini.

So Say We All

Star Trek: The Next Generation even contributed a formidable captain and crew in comparison to the original series.

You forgot Donald Trump is also a sentient dried apricot. I don't know if this is a strength or weakness.

These Vorlon transports from Babylon 5. They’re alive somehow and they’re somehow linked to their operator/pilot. And they ... sing. And their skin can talk to you.

Considering how not-on-board folks were when Heath Ledger was cast as Joker, I am not going to make any judgments regarding Jared Leto at this early stage.

Yep, it’s funny how this trailer made me go from “No way”, to “Hell yeah, I’m gonna see it now”. Still the story aspect is not clear at all, given there are Lex and WWoman, but the movie is called Batman VS Superman.