
Shlong pictures are going to be the “it” thing at this year’s DNC after parties.

Oh the plight of the pretty, how they do suffer mightly!

I am now officially in I can’t wait mode.

The headlines write themselves.

Well that can’t be unseen.

Eww, how disgusting. He actually watched Twilight.

It’s the second coming of America’s favorite unabort fetus Tim Tebow. He is risen.

Bitch needs to get back on his fucking lithium. Stat!

I think we know how this will end.

I think he’s kinda of cute in a San Francisco leather bar kinda of way.

At least, the video had some beefcake.

This is why I don't have children because I would have to beat them.

Louisville has played barn-burners that weren't as tight as Rick's new forehead.

At least A.J. was kind of fuckable in a falling down drunk sort of way, I just can't say that about Tommy.

They especially like to target out-of-state cars. I lived there for years and was told that it'd be in my best interest to change my tags quickly. I got pulled over twice before changing my tags and never pulled over again after I changed them.

I think we all know who the tall guy is. I can't say I wouldn't do the same though. He looks delicious.

But Timmy loves Jesus! So that makes it ok.

I think his family should more closely examine the prudence of running into the path of multiple oncoming vehicles on a racetrack, a mud one at that.

I figured him more for the fisting type.

I think Volkova is trolling us. Either that or she is a complete idiot.