
What actually bugs me though is that it's just not a very good costume.

>>Nobody else in the world thinks they have any ownership of the culture of their grandparents if they were from a different countr

Chinese do.

I think they're more bothered by it being ugly than it being innacurate. Yuna still has a nice outfit that's recognizably based on shrine maiden wear.

Katy Perry's just looks cheap, like a 20$ halloween outfit. If they had a competent designer they could've done something good with it.

You sure as fuck ARE a Euro-American.

It has symmetry with Afro-American and Asian-American, it's a much better term than 'white'.

You sure as fuck ARE a Euro-American.

It has symmetry with Afro-American and Asian-American, it's a much better term than 'white'.

The only thing I can find at fault with Katy Perry is that she doesn't wear Eastern clothes as cool as Japanese singers wear western garb:

It's fine, 12 year olds won't see it, 'cause they're all on Xbox (cue laugh track)

Looks like Vegeta's uncle

Year of Luigi!

Glad to see 2D games still coming from the west! Maybe Blizzard can be inspired to make an HD Lost Dwarves remake or something.

Humans in the Pokemon world also have superhuman abilities though, like psychic powers or inhuman durability (Team Rocket always blastin' off)

Pokemon is pretty much Dragon Quest with modern terminology

Nice infographic! Here's some Poke-mythology to go with it:

Wartortle is based off of Chinese mythology, where a turtle that lives for centuries will grow a long hairy tail:

...Have Triumph commentate on the Starcraft WCS finals

I do remember love

Actually yes, your PSP can make phone calls

For 30$ more, you could get a 2DS instead of that add-on

If they ported Final Fantasy Type-0 to iOS...

The resulting blast process explosion irradiates you with X particules, and you emerge from the crater changed:

It's a solid series with an interesting world and fantastic mecha designs.

And here are two