I do remember love
I do remember love
Actually yes, your PSP can make phone calls
For 30$ more, you could get a 2DS instead of that add-on
If they ported Final Fantasy Type-0 to iOS...
The resulting blast process explosion irradiates you with X particules, and you emerge from the crater changed:
It's a solid series with an interesting world and fantastic mecha designs.
And here are two
And if you want a robot that transforms into a shoe...
Here you go:
"718 Pokemon that can easily kill you"
All of them can.
The RPG game designer Eric Wujcik didn't eat pigs because of that reason, he was a great man.
If you want to see what competitive play is like, check out the browser hack www.pokemonshowdown.com
You can get a random team of optimized pokemon and battle to your hearts content.
... now let's pray he does one of a battlepod too
Remember, this is by the creator of FLCL, where a boner teleported robots out of a 12 year old boy's head:
>>What does an objectified male design look like?
They look like the men in Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. I was playing DoA5 with my co-workers (fellow game designers) who were mostly women. When a male character was selected and he showed up shirtless, one of the girls blurted out "Whoah, if I knew I could take…
It's 'cause Quiet exists in a universe with...
....and here's what the Xbone and PS4 look like fully transformed
Do they do the commercials for Japan too?
Meanwhile from David Hayter...
I've heard christianity is spreading mega fast in singapore nowadys, is that true? Do you feel it in your daily life?