
Armpits are her Charmpoint, I see

Not far from reality:

Well that's how Fish gets attention, by being loud and abrasive.

Phil Fish gives himself a bad wrap.

"The Last of Us" with its fungus apocalypse story is actually the prequel to Super Mario Bros

in an alternate universe where Luke Plunkett is a jerk...

-Memories of Animal Crossing on Gamecube

has passed many a long while with the ladies

the Mad Max element was actually one of the last additions to Fist of the North Star.

In the pilot manga, it took place in present day Japan:

That baby will be the next Hokage of Japan one day, believe it.

It's good to see cross-pacific relations on friendly terms!

Because otherwise you have western devs tooting their own horn about how they think japan sucks as they furiously toot their own horn :p

I like to imagine that in Mad Max, only Australia is all wacky fucked up, and the rest of the world completely recovered from the apocalypse but they just forgot about Australia.

As weird and incoherent as this game seems, this is actually the standard for American Superhero settings, where a bunch of dudes ranging from a normal human guy who really hates crime to a dude that flies and shoots lasers from his eyes co-exist in one setting.

The mod that I'm waiting for:

"Do you rike it?"

like an HBO show

How to make a Superman game work?

Make it about rescue and fighting disaster:

If true villainy is one in a million, it means China has 1,000 of them.