
No, it’s more cosmic than that. See, the universe requires balance. For every yin, there must be a yang. For every Friday, there must be a Monday. For every excellent microbrew, there must be a truckload of Natty Light. And for every BMW diving across multiple lanes of traffic with no signal, there must be a Toyota

I have a new found respect for the little Yaris popcorn popper... 

100% accurate. The people who modify Volvos in Sweden are the same people who modify same era Mustang and Camaro in the USA.

It’s flexing it’s lil arms! Daaaaaaaaw

Ricers pants everywhere are now wet at the sight of that wing.

I’ve been waiting for this thing to start competing for (I think) nearly 2 years now. It’s phenomenal

Gives a new definition to the term, wing mirrors. I love it.

These new 2017 regulation cars will destroy a Group B car on any stage in the world.

The Group A era was OK, but the cars were nowhere near the level of modern WRC vehicles, overall reliability was quite dreadful, and the cars may have looked like “actual cars”, but were still very, very different on the inside.
As far as “bleeding factory teams”, right now we have Citroen, Toyota, Ford (M-Sport), and

Google understands.

This is so huge for all fans of WRC. M Sport and Malcolm Wilson have been the plucky under-dog since 2002 when the domination of the Sebs’ began. I have been a rally fan forever, but have been a hardcore follower since about 1997. M-Sport and the 2006-2009 WRC Focus RS and Marcus Gronholm are my favorite rally-car

This is going to be really interesting. The Ford hasn’t been the best car for quite a while now and next year is a big question mark for everyone due to the new rules.

ABSOLUTELY STOKED ON THIS ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Hopefully, Ogier will bring some real sponsorship money *cough*RedBull*cough* to help fund the development of the new Fiesta.

Without wheels and with snow it’s actually a quite ingenious solution. Not something I’d try with anything I’d cherish though. Like my car, or my life.


You know I can’t unsee that now, Stef, and it’s going to be even harder to take WRC seriously this season (look at the little Yaris trying sooo hard with all its little wings and shit!).

Why didn’t I get to be a Fiesta?

VW’s decision to scrap the WRC program was for image not cost. Continuing the program - even having someone else paying for it - wrecks the intention behind killing it off in the first place. It wasn’t a great idea to begin with but going back on it just makes it look worse.