
Some say that still makes the Stig more knowledgeable about ducks than Stef

The Offshore Oil Rig Endurance Cup

Easy. Option 2. Why?

Hill descent control gets a lot of hate?

Nothing like Swedish minimalistic styling

Minvan Sliding Doors.

I don’t hate traction control or stability control, I just hate when I don’t have the option to turn it off.

A “clusterfuck” should be the term for a group of drones, like a murder of crows or a troop of gorillas.

Tell that to Sebastian Loeb with his 2006 championship

All but one rally

Better headline “Veteran Jalopnik commenter/Oppo author McMike breaks internet with Fernando Alonso meme”

You know it was kicked off by our very own McMike, right?

Now playing

After this outing in a rallycross car, and considering his father’s time in the sport, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Jenson do at least one rallycross event. Whether it’s in Euro RX, World RX, or the GRC is the big question.

WRC+ has seriously been worth every penny

Better than breaking after the jump!

Agreed. I would also like to see more of the Lites racing. Of course the Buhls (childhood Indy heroes of mine) had a car there ripping Detroit.

It's a new class in amateur racing called "Formula Fjord."