
I see the naming issue now. I'm refering to what you would call the Second Generation Scorpio. Your first Gen Scorpio/Granada was wonderful for the time, especially the 25v Cosworth although a little expensive.
There is also about 10 years between the first Gen Scorpio/Granada and the second gen including the Facelift.


You can get body-colour matched wheels arches. At least in Canada. I'm not so sure about the US of A...

Now playing

I don't know about you all, but this is still my favorite vintage Volvo snow hoon video. I rigged my 245 to play the soundtrack when I open the door with the keys still in it.

Funny enough, this has been the warmest winter in ages here in Sweden. In Stockholm, we had a whole 48 hours of snow before it melted away. Back in early December. I don't think it's been below 0c since. It's not even technically winter here, according to the meteorological definition.

You are not the first one to figure this out. German's, Norwegians, Swedes, Finns travel by far the most per capita of any other country.

Actually, the Swedes don't call it "mulled wine," they call it "glögg." I don't know why. They insist on speaking their own language. But I'm sure it's delicious, either way. And in case you actually do live in Miami, here's some footage of an old Volvo hooning through some Swedish snow, just to get you in the

My Scottish family makes a similar drink called wassail. It contains many of the same spices, yet instead of wine and port, we use apple cider and, not so surprisingly, scotch! Can't have a proper Christmas without it.

Stay warm? Easy. Dress in layers. You know, like an onion

The Renault Alliance won MT COTY in 1983. Its European cousin, the Renault 9, won Eurooean COTY the year before.

I agree the LeVorg is awesome, except for the fact that it will be CVT only, and still has the stupid low mount turbo with Equal length headers. how could they ever destroy that boxer rumble?

Other than the odd rear hips, I like.

as I am fairly drunk right now (I am enjoying my 2 "chistmas" weeks of "doing nothing" that I reserved for myself in the past few years, this year I am spending the vast majority of the day with Sherlock Holmes watching all episodes of Sherlock, Elementary and the Downy Jr. movies), I am really not sure I understand

he must be careful when driving those shoes at silverstone, in case they explode

Shit, people are going skiing in the winter. Who would have thunk it. God damn people like to get upset over nothing.

As much as I like Rally Cross, I really want to see that man back in WRC next season.

I know this is off track, but I couldn't resist.