
As it turns out, 2 of these and an old pump tender are not quite enough to save a 1000 year old national treasure from an electrical fire.

TAM 75 Those things were utter crap. 3.9 inline 4 diesel with 75 hp. About half turn play in the steering, crap brakes, crap everything. Made in Maribor, Yugoslavia now Slovenia. I actually learned to drive in one. At 14. As did everyone around. And our was even crappier than the one pictured.

as much as I love it and want one, sorry VW

Now playing

I say go the Hightower way - drive from the rear seats. In all seriousness, could that work/ be legal?

I've seen this crazy outback pickup...

$14,000? Let's say €14,000 for the ease of comparison. I'd buy my great DD back, a Peugeot 406 coupe (€3k). I'd buy a Citroën CX and a Matra Murena for €5.5k each as interesting classics to respectively cruise in or carve corners in.

You could also do the most environmentally responsible thing and take something old and efficient (like an late 80s Civic, or a VW diesel from the same era) and restore it - giving you high 40s fuel mileage with little or no manufacturing waste or pollution.

Hot Pink Slug sounds like a band name.

No, you don't discuss America, you discuss 'Merica! There's a difference.

Semiotics you say? Thanks Obama!

Troll? I never troll (other than when I'm out fishing). It was supposed to be sarcasm, but since my native tongue ain't english and sarcasm is rather hard to convey via writing it all went wrong. Trust me, I never intended to offend anyone.

I'v had some lift off over steer in my fwd, and yeah handbrake is fun!

Absolutely! In the winter I fold my arm rest up so I'll have easy access to my handbrake

guilty as charged...handbrake was in use for almost every turn/bend/curve that didn't have oncoming traffic.

They also start off young if you follow English football.

I'm tickled you think the FA will enforce the rules against Wilshere as they did against Suarez. What part of "White Englishman" applies to Suarez?