
This is a totally heart over head NP for me.

This is an excellent post, with some great images btw. Just felt like saying thanx :)

Yup, they have to be my favourite!

Oof, judging an entire nation on the basis of the ‘journalistic’ output of its crappiest ‘newspaper’ seems, I don’t know, kind of ‘off’...

Serendipitously read this today after finishing the Borderlands 2 DLC (Commander Lilith) yesterday.

Nice Price - but only because I am nowhere near being in a position to spend that kind of money on any car, let alone a 14 year old Ferrari. So there is zero chance I’d have to put my money where my mouth is :).

The supercharged V8 will put out 760 horsepower and 625 lb-ft of torque.

Lot of really good stuff here, but the Alien group win because... Jonesy!

2.00pm, Friday in London. Have just transferred this morning’s image files to my client... and this song is the PERFECT start to my weekend!

I get people’s argument that an ICE car is probably going to sound better, and I don’t disagree, but actually I thought the ID.R’s electric motor’s howl sounded pretty cool.

That is a fine selection. Am sorry I can only give you one star... :(

I got the reference! Do I win a prize?

Anyway, Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse now already existed as well, so I’ve always been a little surprised at the praise for Spec Ops, given how much it was executing off of really potent prior works.

I had to work this morning (UK-time), so my weekend started a little late, but we have a three-dayer too, so it’s all good :)

I’m thinking ‘Assassication’ might be more appropriate in the context of this game..?

Guess I’m going to give this a miss (at least until it becomes super-cheap), and just carry on playing Borderlands 2, which I’m finding surprisingly enjoyable all over again having bought the Handsome Jack collection. Yep, I was one of those suckers who was reminded of how much I enjoyed BL by the trailer for BL3 and

This was a fantastic read Drew - harrowing, scary, funny as hell, thought-provoking and uplifting, but also painfully honest.

This comment deserves A LOT MORE STARS.

Yum. That is all.

Great write-up of what looks like a fantastic little car. Would this be categorised as a restomod?