I believe it's "stuffed! stuffed!" which makes more sense as what an idiot would yell to insult Westbrook.
I believe it's "stuffed! stuffed!" which makes more sense as what an idiot would yell to insult Westbrook.
Halloween: the perfect time for idiots to show their ignorance/racism, and the perfect time for the Gawker commentariat to get on their high horse. It's a new Halloween tradition: find bad costumes, feign losing all hope in humanity, rinse, repeat.
I wholeheartedly agree. There is an age when it's OK to hit a kid, and I think for boys that is in middle school. It's obviously unique per kid, but as a boy with two brothers of similar age, I can say that we were idiots, and sometimes violence was necessary. Nothing abusive, of course, but violence nonetheless. I…
Wow... that's harsh. They've had a pretty big marketing presence around for the last couple of months (demos and everything, which were pretty popular), so it's kind of a surprise to me. Well, not really, since there isn't much of a reward for buying a new system right now and that's expensive as hell.
Wonderful trolling here. It certainly couldn't be that he just happens to like The Beatles more for any number of reasons, right? I mean it's not like musical tastes are not subjective or anything.
Hah! Stealing that phrase "your Mackelmore time will come!" Also, I don't know, it seems like there is a never ending supply of twenty somethings here. My guess is when they age out, they leave, and new ones come in. It's never ending!
Keyword there is "was." Seattle WAS cool. Now it's Macklemore.
Oh, so much love for this comment.
Yeah, I'm with you. Portland is vastly superior with actual culture and art, without the hellscape of terrible suburbia that makes up most of the greater Seattle area, and waaaaay better traffic. Seattle is a city of stereotypes and letdowns.
I've not made the comparison, but you may be on to something. It does seem that Portland has some loooong ass road trips.
That, and they always play the latest games for TV scheduling reasons, even on the weekends. So when they fly out on a Friday night after a game, it's at 3 in the morning.
I would like to nominate Blue Moon. Now, I know that almost everybody just got their blood-a-bolin', but hear me out: it's basically Coor's Banquet for when you want more flavor than Coor's Banquet. On a hot day out in the park or at the lake? It's fantastic and endlessly drinkable. Would I order one at the bar?…
I hope you do. I would love to see an Oregon or just a PNW one. But I know those beers, I'd rather see one from somewhere I know nothing about, like AZ. Sounds fun.
I can, with full authority, say the hipster age of PBR is over. I live in Portland, where the hipsters breed, and they are over it. It's all about Reineer or Rolling Rock now. I'm not complaining though, because Raineer isn't half bad. PBR is what it is: a cheap beer to drink lots of when doing things like watching…
You're correct. In Japanese, it's pronounced Ji-bu-ree. So, Jib-lee is close enough. The "G" is certainly not hard.
Exact same thought. I was like... wait... I've read this before.
Is that Jeff Goldblum from The Grand Budapest Hotel sitting next to him? Did he just like the look and steal the costume or something?
While I'm excited for this game, and I loved the last one, I still have one question: why does Lara Croft ever worry about anything? She's freakin' invincible! Seriously, in the first game she took more hits than a freakin' terminator.
Oh God, Orion. I also got burned by that. But that was hype's fault, not Steam's.
I lol'd.