
It was 11.4 at the end of March, so yeah, about 11-12 million. Definitely not 6.

Azeroth is a cruel world. Cute little fluffy pandas don't belong there. Instead...

Agreed, that's why I had a draenei paladin, heh. Let's see how can they make pandarens look half that cool.

Yes, that's what pandas are in WoW, confusing. On the other hand they're not that strange if you compare them to the space blueberries...

Yeah, something like that.

There is a drunkard class. It's called dwarf.

I really don't know what to think. This oriental world looks great and all but c'mon, it's just not WoW. On the other hand, a pandaren death knight will be funny. If you can roll any, I guess they never met Arthas, but who knows with WoW's pretty flexible timeline. Still not sure it's not a joke.

"Before you say, wow, that's a lot, remember, this is a MMORPG."

Am I the only one who finds this digusting? I know it's fake blood and all but still. I just don't get all this blood/zombie/dead fetish you see everywhere these days.

I hope _you_ were being sarcastic.

Now playing

This song is about video games too, isn't it? And it's actually a good one.

Well everyone knows Civ, V is decent enough too, I don't get all the hate. One of my favorite turn-based strategies ever is a very old one though, Master of Magic. From 1994, heh. 6$ on GoG.

Decisions, decisions.

With his nickname I'm pretty sure he knows who Gibson is...

I'd call the genre free-to-start.

Yes, Macs used to be a better choice for dtp, but I really don't think it's true anymore. A Mac is the easy way to go, you get a package for your money, you don't really have options, but its parts will be compatible. For a PC you can by anything, but you'll need to be more experienced. You mentioned displays, well,

Well, I'm a designer/developer myself, I've had to work a lot on both Macs and PCs. Actually I own a few of both so I can say I know Macs. Honestly, there's no real difference between them anymore. Macs used to be more reliable (more than a decade ago), both their hardware and software, but that's absolutely not true

I still like WoW, even i I don't play anymore. But seriously. Firelord wants to destroy the world. With fire. Go stop him.