I prefer boy bands like Amon Amarth.
I prefer boy bands like Amon Amarth.
I really like GOG and would happily work for them... if I lived in Poland.
Good old days, Soul Crystal and Kentilla and Day of the Tentacle. But Luke's right, I hate to see a book on such an amazing topic with absolutely amateurish typography.
High five indeed. I still have the cassette somewhere. Yeah, cassette.
Or you can just buy it separately.
A prime exampe of how not to mix fonts. Also, ugly.
Thank you. It's a very good deal.
@MistahFixit In 2008.
What do I want? Persona 5. Ah well, Witcher 2 is fine too.
I didn't, but I'm not surprised, he's a hell of an actor.
Hidden weapons will always remind me of the "you talkin' to me?"-scene from Taxi Driver.
Yeah, but they made Sheppard's resurrection look like some sort of unique event... they could have created new guys instead of the dead ones, it's really not that hard if you have such a huge and colorful world.
I would build a custom one. Rediculously easy these days and you'll get a lot more for your money.
Good question. Not what I expected after the first few pages... But definitely worth to read.
Patrick Rothfuss: The Name of the Wind.