His Stigness

I stopped reading at Dodge in first place.

You are.

What do you think happens to furloughed employees’ unemployment benefits when they are invited back to work, but don’t go?

I love how the typical proponents of small localized government are now the ones protesting against it in this case.

Next time your boss tells you “OK we’re opening up shop and going full steam ahead to catch up on lost time” and also says “but hey, if you don’t feel like it you can stay home” try not showing up and let us know how it goes!

“illegally overrode”

Yes, actually 

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

It’s hilarious over on “The USUAL EV sites” this afternoon— where they claim “Tesla continues to grow in Europe, even as other manufacturers fall behind”.

It’s probably that Toyota did not want to spend money on a slightly different version of iDrive 7 just for one car, especially since they are mentioning that the lack of Android auto is not a big issue, apparently. Or maybe it’s just going to happen next year for all sort of reasons.

The people who want to see things open back up now are not and face personal economic disaster if this goes on past the end of May.”

Most people want to test drive the car in person...but a lot of car buyers want to avoid the whole negotiation process.  And that first bit was more reffering to the fact that right now, with social distancing people want to avoid uncessercery person to person interactions.

jesus christ this is an ignorant take

it can be both, but for entirely different reasons. 

Wow, look at Orlove, generally a good writer with good takes, suddenly becoming a civil engineer and saying that closing down all streets for several weeks will be undoubtedly good.

The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.

This article reads like a hit piece against UPS, and only serves to stir up paranoia for the sake of web clicks.

That’s a lot of undercoating 

Which is ironic since Audi is basically a dressed up VW. #sorrynotsorry