
Bush: My mom said I can’t go play in the snow because I always track it through the house when I come home. *Sits in window, wistfully watches other kids playing outside.”

easier said and all that...

It’s Mexican “inspired” food. It’s things that can also be found in mexican food, prepared in a not so Mexican way. And it’s freaking delicious. Before Chipotle was in Oklahoma, my buddies and I would drive to Dallas for the sole reason of eating Chipotle, that and tattoos...

PREACH. No one goes to Chipotle because they want authentic mexican food. I do not consider it Mexican food at all actually I just consider it fucking delicious.

She really is a bad campaigner - she uses right wing-like tactics and its so offputting to a lot of dems. This is exactly why she lost against Obama. Attacks don’t get votes on the liberal side.

You rang?

If you turn off the lights and say that into a mirror, the ghost of Milton Berle appears.