
“But now I ask myself, why? Why did I think, for even a second, that this was something to express?” Tramontin said in a statement, the Advocate notes. “I have to be honest that I was caught up in the deep political divide and the toxic rhetoric that this country has been living in for the past several years. My

Jim Bridenstine will reportedly step down soon from his top role at NASA, saying he would be a poor fit for the job under a Biden administration.

There is going to have to be a HR version of Heracles cleaning out the Augean stables when Trump is gone. His appointees will need to be removed, each and every one, with dispatch and prejudice. Not a single one can be trusted.

On the other hand, Trump’s base isn’t into that respectful stuff, they LIKE that Trump is insane. Pence can behave himself in public, but he has all the charisma of a potted plant, and I think a lot of Trump’s fans would lose interest if Pence took Trump’s place on the ballot. Some conflicted Republicans might return

Donald Trump is a human first. A husband. A father. An uncle. An American.

What can we say about this? At least 50% and likely more of the cases and deaths we have experienced in this country can be attributed to Trump’s inaction and lies. Before this revelation there was plausible deniability in that this might have been negligent homicide. But now that it has been established that all of

His followers don’t really give a rat’s patoot about anything he says and does, as long as he owns those libs. The best we can hope for, apart from divine or alien intervention, is that stuff like this will convince a few “swing” voters (i.e. the same geniuses who couldn’t tell the difference between Al Gore and GWB,

Pay no attention to that troll. I work full time in a major hospital (software engineering and medical communications) and contribute to helping people live longer and more comfortably; I appreciate being able to take a few minutes out of my day to read interesting articles like yours. I was a big fan of Doom in its

But according to Sweeney, Apple’s statement that Epic tried to procure a deal for themselves, and only themselves, is misleading. Earlier this afternoon, he tweeted an image of the entire email he sent to Apple that is referenced in Apple’s filing.

The context is much different. Even speaking as a veteran of the Operating System Wars, and on the Other Side to boot, buying and selling computer tech is one thing, saving the lives of (potentially) millions of people is another.

Yes. Thank you. I work in a hospital in NYC, and saw a co-worker in my group die of this thing at the height of it here. People coming in contact with the plague-ridden in order to treat them as best we could needed those masks a lot more than people who could stay at home and relatively out of harm’s way.

Speaking as one who works at a major NYC hospital and who lost a co-worker to the virus, I have to say that was a crappy, nasty, uncalled-for clickbait title/subject. Dr. Fauci didn’t “make the coronavirus worse”. There was a limited supply of masks; the people on the front lines needed them more than anyone else, and

I know, I feel the same way, but the 3rd degree/manslaughter charges are probably the most likely to stick. For first degree you’d have to prove premeditation, for second degree you’d have to prove intent, both of which can be difficult. Third degree includes unintentional death, so even if he claims and establishes

“By an 8-point margin, more voters picked Trump (44 percent) as a better leader during the crisis than Biden (36 percent), though voters were split evenly in the survey when asked whom they would trust to handle the issue.”

Even if this only applies to able-bodied layabouts, does anyone have any idea of what is happening right now regarding employment? The shutdowns, necessary as they are, are killing off many businesses, anyone in food service is screwed, and performing artists are looking at the abyss; I know several who have just lost

Yes, and ketchup is a vegetable.

Because, of course, we all know that Dear Leader ALWAYS tells the truth!

I’ve always thought he has been out of his depth ever since they let him out of the cellar at C-SPAN.

In some areas, yes. Oddly enough, I’m in software engineering and while you’d think this would be a perfect setup for work-from-home, I’ve ended up in gigs like my current one where there just isn’t a work-from-home policy. There are a LOT of unimaginative administrative folks still running our offices.