
I watched the whole thing, couldn’t look away. The Republicans were assholes, all of them - maybe Graham moderated himself a bit - and were clearly more interested in emails (WTF?) and the circumstances of her termination than in Russian influence on the election, and Flynn’s Russian connections.

I may be mistaken, but I think that the Kinsley piece was tongue-in-cheek.

This: “None of this would be easy for the administration to pull off legally—for now these empty, antagonistic statements are all they have...”

Gawd, I remember that.

I just had a procedure that was billed at about $25,000.00 altogether, and it wasn’t all that major. iPhones are priciey, of course, but still, that represents quite a few iPhones.

All the seething, all the tweeting, it really IS a difficult job!

I think the answer to any question about what the jokers now running our government are doing is: “because they can”. Vicious, greedy assholes, laughing at us, laughing at the idiots who voted for them.

For the life of me I can’t remember any leaks this election season that benefited Democrats. When did Republicans ever “take the heat” from the leaks?

Basically he got in on a jive hummer - he did just well enough in the Rust Belt with disaffected dopes to bring them out in somewhat greater numbers, and Democrats stayed the fuck home as usual.

They never had the resources to ‘torpedo’ Sanders. They did show a preference for Clinton, but each state has its own organization and there was no way the DNC was capable of deciding anything on a nation-wide basis. More people voted for Hillz, and that’s the story.

Maybe because she’s smart, accomplished, well-connected, and would have made an excellent President, as opposed to the joker who will be inaugurated on 1/20. Too bad the fucking lefties bought all of the garbage concocted by the right wing over the last 30 years and made it their own. You know, sometimes it pays to

Midterms? One hopes, but midterms are when Democrats traditionally forget to bother to vote.

Ha ha ha - collection of Batman villains guts the police and courts in Gotham in preparation for a four year (at least) crime spree.

The real problem is that regarding the new Presidential line of succession, it’s turtles (or rather a collection of very bad people) ALL the way down.

I’m white or sort of off-white depending on how one thinks of Jews; my family was on the liberal side, and we celebrated a lot of holidays not in our cultural tradition, so I have pretty happy memories of Christmas. I have been listening to Donny Hathaway for something like 45 years; in my case it started with

After seeing what we’re capable of, I don’t see the term ‘elitist’ as a pejorative one any more, and I’m beginning to think that those old guys, having read their Plato, were on to something when they designed our system to be able to short-circuit manifestations of mob rule.

This would be a good time to reflect on what a bullet we dodged, not electing that corrupt Hillary person, and repudiating that Clinton Crime Family. We sure showed those elites what’s what, eh?

But this wouldn’t be “completely [shitting] all over the rule of law”, it would be following the law, and would be an instance of the electoral college actually doing what it was designed to do. We’ve grown so used to the electoral college being an afterthought that we have forgotten that it was instituted as a

Republicans are a self-selecting group of authoritarians; they simply can’t break ranks, under any circumstances. It’s not in their DNA to be able to think independently.

I figured he’d be on something. There’s no way he or anyone he knows would expect him to get through 90 minutes on stage without chemical assistance. I had thought maybe he’d down a few Valium, myself...