
The guy was hyping up a “mobile version” and I’m screaming at the screen “YOU JUST LAUNCHED THE SWITCH VERSION!”

Really glad to hear this game is working Star Fox into the story in a meaningful way since it’s pretty much the whole reason I pre-ordered the Switch version.

You do realize that she writes most of her music in English before translating it over into Japanese, right? “She can’t do English song very well” is a brash statement about someone who was born in the States, can speak fluent English, write most of their music originally in English and translate it over to Japanese

Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

You had me really excited, than I saw the word “mobile” and my heart sunk. Another game from a beloved series that I will never play. Sigh. On the bright side that early look at the game from Hideo Baba at that Sony event looked promising. I got some real Tales vibes from some of the locations and the character’s

A week before KH3... God Dann it Namco...

Most people turning into a Geisterfahrer on the Autobahn aren’t suicidal though, they’re rather confused, tired or on drugs/alcohol. Had a semi truck Geisterfahrer encounter just last Saturday night, driving south from Frankfurt... he sure was awake, constantly flashing all his high beams warning everyone driving

Are we sure that wasn’t the actual Gamora there...

This Broly was clearly genetically designed by the saiyans to bring about ape instrumentality and turn them into a sea of amniotic goo. He’s no doubt being piloted by a reluctant 14 year old. 

The movie comes out December 14th in Japan, how is January “just a couple months after”?

I really wanted to get this but decided not to because like the Etrian games, I don’t care for first person dungeon crawlers. Been interested in Strange Journey since its DS release, just wish it wasn’t a first person crawler. feelsbad

I guarantee it was because it was a cartoon. Adults that didn’t grow up watching cartoons seem to have a unnatural aversion to them. We watched Schindler’s List, and (for some ungodly reason Titanic (nudity and all, just had to get a parent permission slip) in my sophomore lang arts class..)

I’m generally of the opinion that if children actually suffered through it then our children can suffer to learn about it. Thorough educations prevent atrocity.

I picked it up last Friday. It’s definitely not a game that’s aimed at me, as I might be a little too old for it, but I’m still enjoying it regardless.

I’m still surprise he wasn’t in the next Soul Calibur. I think his fighting style would fit so well in that game but I suppose he looks a little too modern for SC. (even though there were multiple star wars character before XD)

You should also know that it was the FIRST sentai series. Leopardon was the first guy-in-a-robot-suit on Japanese TV.

I’ve received a message from professional video game expert Tim Rogers:

Hey Hideaki Anno,

Yes, this and the Zelda books are translated versions of Japanese books. The Japanese version of this came out in Oct. of 2015, hence the 2015 cutoff date. Tokyopop was just faster getting it out the door in German than Dark Horse has been in English!

I have mixed feelings about this.... yes it’s nice to say thank you, but hazard lights are for... hazards... and may convey the wrong message maybe? just like when people honk to ask someone to get out of the way, that is NOT the way it should be used, it should only be used to warn someone of danger, not to tell