Yeah, this. Every one I’ve ever got has been a piece of shit. Terrible paintwork, posing sucks, the works.
Yeah, this. Every one I’ve ever got has been a piece of shit. Terrible paintwork, posing sucks, the works.
Oh yes! The undisputed best Pokemon generation, I cannot wait.
Psssst, it was discovered much later that the cave has an end game Easter egg that telephones you to a cave full of inside jokes!
“When he opened the booklet inside one of the pre owned games he ( MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON!!!!!!!) found this. A baggie of fucking meth!”
Forgive my ignorance, if it even is that, but why would there even be gendered video game competitions? To ensure equal participation? Or...What exactly is the point of a men’s CSGO tournament and a women’s? Pretty sure we all rush B.
I’m tired of seeing “Could not take a screenshot” after every trophy I earn.
“late-twenty year old”?
Can we just start calling this the best game ever? This gets released on time, with basically no bugs, and is essentially a huge physics sandbox.
I think this is more of a culture clash than anything. I don’t think this sort of humor is frowned upon in Japan the way it is here. I do have to wonder why there’s outrage around this guy, though, and not the fey home designer in Hatano.
I just had a 3-hour MariKart experience yesterday afternoon with a few co-workers, and these we re the two biggest concerns on my mind: #1 - On a public street without helmets. #2 - We traveled up to 65 kph on some roads, passing traffic, and if you didn’t have eye protection in some form such as glasses or goggles,…
As for Germany the already classic:
That was the original grab ‘em, and the people let him destroy the world.
Really cool cosplay, but this article is not “Evangelion 4.0 gets a new trailer and release date and that makes me sad.
Dragon Ball Final Bout had THE BEST game opening of all DBZ games in my opinion, followed by DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi’s.
I love the Ultimate Battle 22 opening. The song is amazing, and I love how they even have the sound for Trunks’ sword.
Get Kagero. Kagero will take 90-100% of his health away before you throw in a melee unit to finish him. Kagero is bae.
You can criticize the graphics and performance of breath of the wild. But the artistic direction and character design are one of the best in the series. To me it is the best.