Plus with the most recent episodes you get half an episode of canon, but it’s dragged out. The other half is an Obito flashback, because we need 100 of those, and then 5 episodes of filler. Repeat repeat repeat haha
Plus with the most recent episodes you get half an episode of canon, but it’s dragged out. The other half is an Obito flashback, because we need 100 of those, and then 5 episodes of filler. Repeat repeat repeat haha
Well fans are calling it Naruto GT!
I can’t get over how unexpectedly fun, well-designed, and reasonable this game is, and especially for something that was announced out of the blue too!
The fact that I’m able to play this (admittedly at a shitty framerate) on my iPhone 3G is amazing. It, along with Hearthstone, has convinced me to go upgrade just so I can enjoy it more.
Give us a female link so we can name her Zelda.
Don’t count out western women too! We’ve long since been a part of the JRPG community #FirstFictionalCrushWasZidane (that’s too long a hashtag).
In before C&Ds take this down.
Her work. Hiromu Arakawa is a woman.
How do you even reboot a series such as this? Doesn’t a reboot imply the the previous iterations of the series had come story consistency between them? Which they didn’t. So are they planning on changing core systems & gameplay?
The fairies from the N64 games creeped me out to no end. Even now their piercing laugh scream makes me shudder every time I play OoT or MM.
I can never thank Kingdom Hearts enough for introducing me to Utada.
The combat was really fast and you could use quick and instant transformations...
The magikarp pond is obviously the coolest.
I must say, the whole “all cartoons are only for kids” mentality annoys me.
And special thanks to you for fuckin spoiling.
I was about to comment with the exact same thing. Japanese gamers might be a little salty knowing that they had to repurchase a game they already played not too long ago just to get a demo. Might have affected their approval.
The 3d gear is what will make or break this movie for me. Since they might just stick with the basic stuff like this.
Oh yeah, it definitely is random. Sometimes you press the button and it’ll cycle back to the level you pressed it on. Sometimes I’ve pressed it between two worlds because I needed something from both and it stopped on the third one (the one I already collected all the Pokemon from).