It's a running AND swimming simulator!
It's a running AND swimming simulator!
It's a lot better than exposing them to guns, don't you think? We celebrate violence and shame sex in our culture, which is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.
I'm really happy this game is about WWI, since theres a such a severe lack of games based on that period.
Soccer is a twenty-two-player competitive ball game (CBG). Soccer has been in development for two thousand years.…
Western elves as a rule must at some point show rock hard abs.
You can tell right away these kind of shops will never, ever, ever happen at all outside Japan.
Jason "Amaz" Chan, who played against Dima in that final round, addressed the situation on his YouTube channel, saying he doesn't think Dima cheated, and that he believes DreamHack should have been better about organizing and communicating during the tournament:
I love that Nintendo is becoming consumer aware now. I feel like they lacked it a few years ago, now they just keep the ball rolling and it's working for them :)
In China it's more often than not either university or rice fields. You choke with the exam approaching and you don't confide in your studying and so you cheat. It's understandable, especially when you think to yourself that this exam in no way threatens your ability to learn this information in the future and is just…
I'd rather someone like Microsoft buy it for above asking price, and then open an exhibit to the public or donate it to the Smithsonian.
So Evangelion 4.0 is nowhere close to being released then....FFS!
I will always miss Start and Select :(
Gotta love me some "O_O"
If you want a more complete Ghost in the shell i suggest Stand Alone Complex and SAC: 2nd GIG. The movie is amazing and timeless but the 2 seasons of the series are incredible.