
Yes but people still keep them turned on in there carry on. He is right that if you could actually bring down a plane with a cell phone or electronic device there is no way they would let you on a plane with one. It would be like if the airline allowed guns but only if the had the safety on.

I just want a Physical copy of the next Ace Attorney game...

I'm starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but I really just want confirmation either way of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney being localised or not. The waiting for AA5 is not nearly as torturous, because at least we know it's being translated.

And because of their extortionate mobile pricing, it's actually cheaper to buy FFs I-IV and FF Tactics in physical formats for the DS and PSP!!

Every day there is a bombing somewhere in the world. Particularly third world countries, yet no one ever complains about bad timing when stuff like this launches normally.

Yes, Boston is a tragedy. But you can't let events like that stop the world from moving. Tragedies happen every day. The most we can do is mourn

I hope everyone knows this is the same trailer from TGS 7 months ago, so yeah. Not new. It just was reuploaded on Youtube for some reason by Capcom.

You know what is criminal? Not giving us this Nintendo/Capcom.

There is one emulator out there. You have to buy some special equipment, though, costs about $180. Good news is every game out so far runs on it fine! Plus it's got access to nintendo's online store so you can get the downloadables too.

And in my head I hearing the bum bum buump diddi and "SNAAAAKE!" scream for the the Metal Gear Game Over screen. So fucking iconic.

Having worked at EA Montreal in the recent past, I can say that this studio was mismanaged into the ground, screwing up several brands, one of the best studio environment ever seen in Canada, and disenfranchising a lot of very talented people in the process.

Damn, I work there, and just learned this through Kotaku... -_- Thought we would have received a heads-up before knowing we lost our job through the internet.

These are the few PC games that have stayed with me over the last 15 years or so.