That Z move would’ve looked so much cooler with the XY art direction.
That Z move would’ve looked so much cooler with the XY art direction.
I’m happy about the news but no matter how hard I try I can’t get into the game mechanics. I’d love to have more Project Mirai 3DS style games. That just flowed way easier with me.
Famicom always had 2 fixed attached controllers. Maybe because you don’t need long cables for small Japanese homes.
My GameStop urged everyone to preorder just to get noticed that Nintendo won’t be able to supply all preorders. That resulted in 50% of the preordered amount for that store. Go Nintendo.
I see “kill me” in their eyes...
Just slap a Triforce on it and I’m good to go *waiting for Zelda bundle*. They already made me buy way more 3DSes than a person can play at once...
You mean in handheld mode separated? I think attached to the screen it probably feels like a Vita. Detached I’d just tag along a pro controller anyway if I’m planing on heavy gaming.
There will be normal sized pro controllers like the Wii/U had.
Fullmetal (sans Brotherhood) made it even sadder cause they spend more episodes with her... Brotherhood rushed the first part of the story as they didn’t want to take too much time to retell known story.
My first thought. Europe only got the first quadrology and no G.U. release.
Nah don’t say that, I live in the Stuttgart area ;)
Or Volksfest. But I’m sure Wasn and Wiesn isn’t so easy to tell apart for non Germans ;)
I liked Ace Attorney. Didn’t take itself too serious like the games and had the right amount of goofiness.
I’d take a (more typically anime) fighting Link as well, please.
Case of Benjamin Button
Last week I finally did a firmware upgrade cause I wanted to test the after focus feature. It's a neat addition for playing around and I'm impressed how much processing power sits in cameras these days.
Last week I finally did a firmware upgrade cause I wanted to test the after focus feature. It's a neat addition for…
Keep an eye on the Wiimote wiggling action scene. Had to laugh a bit when I saw it while rewatching few months ago. It's always weird to watch old stuff that actually did foresee the future right.
If I recall correctly Naruto (or Narutomaki) is the name of the pink swirl thing they put in ramen dishes and was the inspiration for the whole name Naruto Uzumaki (and probably his addiction to ramen). So Naruto is an actual Japanese word and no adaption of an English world like it’d be with Boruto.
I never use it. Since Link’s Awakening where you get a special treat during the ending if you never died on your save (and never used the resume function) I imagine other games might do something similar. So I play my RPGs clean without deaths, resuming or running away. And who doesn't like 0 on negative stats.
From Wikipedia: Sony announced Kingdom Hearts III for the PlayStation 4 with a teaser trailer at its June 2013 E3 event.