Is that really possible? To just save before making the decision? Then you also just could erase the save and go the other route? I thought the download version will forever stay the side once you chose?
Is that really possible? To just save before making the decision? Then you also just could erase the save and go the other route? I thought the download version will forever stay the side once you chose?
So in a worst case you pick one game and go nooooo I want to stick with the other side and then realize you bought the wrong version. I like the idea of the split plot but not split cartridges. It's not like Pokemon where you get the same story expect some exclusive units.
This is the first MMO I actually care for the music. I mean there basically is just no FF with bad music. And every time the prelude melody is mixed in, all the feels...
Actually I quite like that. But maybe that’s the old school FF inside of me speaking. Also I’m sure that I sometimes would not notice that the enemy has spotted me. I'm still into my first month of the game but is there really just one battle music? Different music for each of the main areas would be nice.
I don’t know if I missed it but the game is also coming to Europe! Hurray to all western fans.
Also car ads tend to use fewer and fewer real cars in favour of cgi. You really can't tell them apart anymore.
Just wanted to add the message was posted on Bayern München’s public Facebook profile with the request to forward it to Götze. So I don’t know if Götze himself saw it or some PR people forwarded it to him. At least he posted right back on the fan’s profile.
I watched some stuff on YouTube and it's really not half bad for a kids show. Though I still not like that they made Knuckles the stupid sports guy. And the boomerang girl is a bit scary sometimes... Really a shame they screwed up the games so much, I advise every child to get Lost Worlds instead of a Boom game.
Thank god Boom is just a side universe for the TV show and its games. Modern Sonic is still the main design, Sega just didn't release a new game for some time now. The Boom games are also made by some other company for Sega.
So basically your saying it’s no game for longer session in a shorter time? I really love the Persona style a music but to my shame never really played 3 or 4 very long. I’m one of that “so many options I don’t know what to do but I want to max out everything” persons. I’d be totally ok with that if there were a new…
I feel like PSN is unstable all the time. Tried to download the FF15 update the time the Destiny add on came around, yay. Also feels like heavy dependent on the time. Afternoon breezing through, evening not so much.
I have Q on my list but I'm a bit scared cause it sounds so hard. I feel like there will never be a Persona or SMT game you can play casually... Although maybe it'll happen with the FE crossover.
Ok that’s not good. But as far as I can remember I didn’t even buy the best in game equipment cause not enough money. And I didn’t bother buying anything of the village shops until late game. I’d still give it a try. It’s not like it’s a game breaker or something. Maybe you have some free wifi around? It takes less…
Oh you really should give Bravely a try. They overrated that add friends thing. You can get (I think) 5 strangers over the Internet everyday to add to your headcount for building up the village. I only added one legit friend that played the game as well. My shops were maxed long before I finished the game. I took…
I have to admit Awakening was the first Fire Emblem I beat and really played proper for a longer time. Perma death just isn't my cup of tea. I still played to keep everyone alive but in case something stupid happens at the end I don't have to redo a level. Auto battle was also a nice addition. And the overall…
Actually if I’d played just the main chapters Awakening would’ve been short for me. The time consuming comes from grinding relationship. I think I hit around 100h when I could finally put the game aside. But agree that making the game easier won’t change much. I think the AI could play the game by itself on easy…
Naruto was ok, you could easily skip fillers, especially the later episodes. But Shippuden was like 5 min recap, 10 min talking, 5 min action. Actual story eps just filled with too much filler.
Well Toriyama did the character designs afaik but had not involvement with the story. So that's more hope for Naruto. I wish they'd make a Naruto Kai version so I don't have to go through all that filler... I stopped watching in the beginning of shippuden cause it dragged on so long and bad.
Is the author/mangaka involved with this or is is it just milking the franchise? I feel like we're getting another GT.
Why is it that Japanese are so worried their kids might eat not enough? I read that the colorful bentos are also made that way so kids eat all up. Well, I was raised with if I don't eat up all that's on my plate then the weather will be bad... Don't know if that's also a saying in other cultures (I'm German).