Oh Anno, you STILL have to do Evangelion! Finish the last movie already, please.
Oh Anno, you STILL have to do Evangelion! Finish the last movie already, please.
I wonder, don't the parents need to pay up for the costs of the teams moving out? Where I live for example, causing false alarm and the police or firefighters to move out has to come up with the costs afterwards.
Luckily most Japanese publishers seem to still be able to release a bug free game. Especially Nintendo. Also they don't seem to care to hit a certain time in the year like Unity desperately wanted to hit the Christmas window, now see how that turned out...
That's some good information. A game that relies heavy on text should be readable. Maybe I just have to play test both versions to see how big the text issue is.
Yes I played both of them but not on Vita. Since the first game was for DS I wanted the second game also for that. I hope they make a third game!
Now I wanna play Danganronpa 3...
And I thought Call of Duty makes kids confusing games with the real world.
I'm sure many don't even know there are two different systems...
I was wondering about the Mutti thing, cause it's a German equivalent for mom or mama. Then I realized the ratings on the covers. This must be Ikea Germany. Though it seems they used FSK that is responsible for movies, USK is handling games.
Legendary for being on maternity leave and they actually didn't need her doing new voice work because they have so much canned Pikachu voice they could keep the show running with that.
Adorable boy :)
Some time ago I watched these very informative videos. I didn't know there were so many things going wrong during development.
Blue was the only one I bothered going 100%. Cheap Chansea was the last one, I remember. After that, I just played through Silver's story. Sapphire, didn't even finish the story... Next game that got me interested again was X.
My number one point: anime = cartoon = for kids. Of course kids are a large target audience for anime, but you can't point that on just the kind of media. It's as if I say books are just for adults cause kids don't like to read. There are so many anime shows you can enjoy as grown up that not just rely on violence and…
Somehow automatic didn't really catch on in Europe in general. Just saying you need to watch out for when renting. At least with an German (or general EU) driving license you aren't allowed to steer a manual when you trained and were tested on automatic only.
Oh I didn't think of that. Draft beer is common place so I don't take notice of it. I'm surprised you know so much about beer :) Beer gardens are also great. I believe they are more common in the south but I'm sure you can find one in every bigger city.
There's a German site I only care for one thing, that is their pro and con list at the end of the reviews. I don't care about the score or even what subjection is standing on which side. I just go trough both lists and value them for myself if something is in the game I like or not. Cause maybe you are a fan of…
They definitely should create an Apology department.
Yeah lately we get some love from Nintendo with all that special editions. Maybe they feel bad that we got left out of so much during the NES/SNES era *looking at Chrono Trigger*. But honestly sometimes I don't get why Nintendo is still treating the U.S. and Europe as such two different territories. Especially in…
I'm European... *looking at CEs sitting on the shelf* yeah that wasn't nice. But it seems many game localizations into other European languages (next to English) belong actually to Nintendo. For example, Final Fantasy for GBA is to date the only way for me to play it in German. Any other rerelease for Playstation…