
Ok being born somewhere doesn't automatically imply the person also grew up there :D Like all those kids born on military bases abroad.

I love Utada for Kingdom Hearts and this. Also if you are not into Japanese, try her English language songs. One of the few Japanese singers that can actually speak good English (I think she even was raised in the USA).

I'm thankful for every day my old fat lady doesn't die on me.

Ok this is the only expectation. Hardware shouldn't release months apart. Especially since Nintendo misses out Christmas shopping. Or maybe they want people to buy WiiUs first instead.

Come on, I'm happy for every Japan made game that I get +- 1 Month apart from the Japanese release date. Square should take this as an example. Though I'm a bit sad that I have to wait for Cap Toad till next year...

The anime takes it time sometimes. If you got a problem with that rad the manga. For me there are 2 interesting things in this series. The whole mythology/mystery behind the titans and the society living behind the walls. Lately I get more kinda Walking Dead vibes from the manga, as humans just tend to care for

I also liked the bunnys from Snowwhite.

The power of German engineering.

Who else has the urge to play some Kingdom Hearts now? Dat music...

Man why weren't those designs in the Bayonetta special edition... The artbook was kinda lame.

Sometimes I remember a thing I got from Toriyama's how to be a mangaka (or something like that). You don't have to be a high profile artist in drawing. Important is that your story comes across. And of course the story should be good. Otherwise stick to doing illustrations.

I'm also wondering. I backed it and got the standard yellow linen hard cover version. But I've never seen any of these covers...

I'm disappointed of the German announcer voice. Just not epic enough. Thanks to Nintendo I have to switch the system language to English again. Like for Star Fox.

Oh I wasn't aware of that fact. I hope they will make it happen some day. And yeah, DS on 3DS sucks. I know why I still heart my DS lite.

I only use emulators for really old systems like SNES. But you got a point for 3D polygon games. I forgot you can turn up the resolution beyond the original hardware's capabilities. Maybe I should look for a way to copy my own PSP games to get the roms... On the other hand it be awesome if you could play PSP and PSX

I'll call it $100 (that'll surly wind up at 100€) Vita TV cable. And I feel the urge to buy my PSP games again, just digitally...

Wait, is the game slot on the front? Never should important things like the game slot or the power button on the front. I like playing in bed and most the time that part is lying on my tummy. And the stylus is there as well, great...

I think that was an animation movie just called 9. I randomly got to see the film and though it was no Pixar standard, it was nice to see a more serious tone animation for a change.

Yet, while some features have been added or tweaked, others have been cut in their entirety—namely coop. The original PSP game allowed you to play ad-hoc with up to two other human players in your party. However, to do that in the HD release, the coop mode would have had to be entirely redesigned for online play; so

I haven't, been a GameBoy only kid till N64 hit and GB Mario Land sadly had no Yoshi. Is the flaming Yoshi available in newer Mario games? I doubt that many kids today played some SNES Mario, so I don't know how many can make a connection to Yoshi's final smash.