
I miss the old days when every new game was like "Look how realistic the trees look, it can't get better!" Then everyone was not on speed tree. But when it comes to environment, water was always the thing to show off. New graphics card? Look at my new water shader!

Sometimes I fell a bit stupid that my Japanese is coming mostly from watching anime, so I wouldn't call it very good BUT it's good enough I can distinguish the fake American accent.

Well there was a time called 80's... Or wigs.

To all the I didn't like the demo people. I'm 40h+ into the European version (thanks Nintendo for the awesome collectors edition) and you hast have to get the fact it doesn't take you by the hand. Sure you have to grind but it's so much more convenient here. You can speed up battles 4 times. You can set auto battle

It's old school like Dragonquest. You have to grind a bit money at first to get yourself equipped. But grinding isn't really bad here. You can speed up the game and set an auto mode.

Chrono is one of those games, no matter how many times I play it it's never getting boring. Shame on Squeenix I had to wait till the DS version that I could finally buy it (no EU SNES release). But we still have no Cross. Trigger is on Wii Virtual Console but I can't buy Trigger or Cross on PSN.

Well I don't think that's a new or mobile only problem. When WW2 shooters where big, everyone did them. They didn't care if they were bad cause there was no internet to warn customers! Games always get copied. Mobile is just a quicker and cheaper way it seems.

You cannot publish the Little Prince with different illustrations!

I hate the clean font on old game ports. Did that to Chrono Trigger too. The character portraits look nice though.

I'm missing budgets like Final Fantasy or the Tales series. And I wonder about first party Nintendo titles... Like how much is a Mario or Zelda title worth.

Looks really nice, more like the uni campus of my dreams. Except if the cubicles are real working spaces, they are way to small.

Gimme that suitcase.

I'd be scared to poke out my eyeballs when those fingernails come to close to my face.

I liked Puzzle Craft a lot. I remember reading that someone on Kotaku got really addicted on that...

Yeah there should be more EVA cosplay! And these two look really decent.

I'd go retina. The chip of the original mini is iPad2 speed. I don't think you will be happy with that for the next two years. I still use an iPhone 4 and even most apps (not games) are a pain because programmers are lazy. Tumblr and Twitter apps run smooth, don't get me started on Facebook...

It's missing the video where they run just for blue boxes and after realizing they have just PS3 boxes in their hands they kept running...

Nonono, the Wiimote also had no dedicated start button, though + usually had the same function.

Nonono, the Wiimote also had no dedicated start button, though + usually had the same function.

Actually the developers of the Tales of series said they won't make the jump so soon because why should they? They know how to handle the PS3 now and the graphics are pretty enough for them. So why make expensive next gen games now?