I just wanted to start writing my report *sigh*
That bit was added and not in the first article version.
thank you very much. seems like I'll be able to watch every show. when I find a stream.
Usually the companys will set up the conferences on their site afterwards.
Can anyone convert the times to GMT?
It seems your OS is running on 64 bit, but some programs still use 32 bit. That's why you have 2 different folders (programs and programs x86) in windows.
Wikipedia says: Lynx in Ireland, the UK, South Africa and Australia
Just recently noticed that Axe is marketed as Lynx in other countrys
Thanks for the info. I thought there might be some sort of special animation software.
The power of german engineering. For the fact that we have that ongoing killer games debate, I'm proud that Crytec still do their thing the way they want to. And I hope that futer games don't all have that, nah that's Unrealengine, feeling.
I saw other intros based on this one. I think one was Yu-gi-oh and it looked also well done. Just check youtube, I got recommended the other similar intros as well.
I always wonder what software they are using to do this because it looks so professional. I know Photoshop has animation features, but I doubt that.
I wonder what Cryengine is up to...
Screw that, THIS is the best of all the Atelier openings!!
alcatel (2 rows, only CAPITALS) —-> the nokia with snake 2 —-> the blue organe nokia —-> samsung f can't remember (do remember the bad touchscreen —-> iPhone 4
Happened to a friend of mine. Had to start wearing glases one day, cause only one eye god bad. Other one is still fine.
As for Germany, we do have PC sections in GameStops. But here are powerful enough pcs that can run games. I belive in US pcs are seen more as a work thing. Or checking Facebook. But I also noticed a trend here that people start buying for consoles because they don't want to buy a new graphics card every two years. And…
Battle.net is just the name of their online service. It's no extra software like Steam or Origin. You only start your game and log into [battle.net] ingame when you want to do multiplayer.