
I have a Thinkpad Tablet 2 (one of last year's Win8 tablets). I pull up the meeting handout in Word (or Powerpoint) and turn on Pen or Ink Tools (depends on your Word version - you may need to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar).

If you need it wet, spit on toilet paper is cheaper, always available, and eco-friendly. Just because a product exists, doesn't mean a product is necessary.

To be fair, they don't "bear a striking resemblance to emails". They have a different color background and say Ad where the time normally is on an email. They are also at the top rather than interspersed. If you turn off the promotions tab, you turn off the ads.

I'd be curious to know how many people have ever encountered a virus without blindly clicking links or frequenting pirate/porn sites? As one who has had at least one personal computer since the BBS days, I've encountered a total of one virus in a downloaded program over a decade ago.

It depends. To build your credit score cards with no balance don't hurt and old cards help.

On debt in general, in almost all cases, don't charge more in month than you can (and do) pay off at the end of the month. If you have to carry a balance, make sure you have (and stick to) a strict budget showing when and how you will pay off the balance.

No. Just no.

This looks like the kind of project a high school sewing student would bring home to their mom to be gushed over and then stored away.

Absolutely. I use it at work when attending meetings and at home when telecommuting. It is especially useful for taking inked notes, annotating documents, and web conferencing. It would be good for presentations as well but I lack the VGA adapter.

They're both great for what they try to be. iOS is like an enhanced feature phone operating system. It's limited but intuitive and what it does it does well. Android is like a PC operating system (not surprising since it's based on Linux). It can do just about anything that you can program it to do but the quality of

When buying things, keep in mind that unless you are very organized (or your car breaks down constantly) you aren't going to touch these things for a year or two. Flashlights that you can crank to charge might not be as powerful as a regular flashlights but batteries die even if they're never used. Same with a weather

Definitely binder clips, especially for denim or cuffed pants. Also, if you clip them to the diagonal parts of the hanger instead of the bottom, the pants won't shift back and forth.

If your tripod doesn't have a hook, hardware stores will sell you a big S hook for a buck or two. Much easier than the rope tangle pictured.

IBM 360 core dumps. Seriously. Going through reams (literally) of fanfold paper with a pencil, pad (no i) of paper, a form ruler (which worked because fonts were fixed and there was only one size of mainframe printout paper), and a green card (no, not that kind) made Zork's twisty passages seem like an HOV lane.

I use Firefox's built in password manager with a master password

OS/2 - the best then and never surpassed.

It makes sense to get a Mac if you need to run software that isn't available for Windows. Otherwise, Windows offers machines that can beat Macs in whatever area you are interested in. The cheapest machines are Windows and so are the most expensive. You can get Windows machines that are faster, lighter, have more

Another way to track store hours is to take a photo of the hours in a "Store" Evernote notebook. You can also save product pages or photos from print ads there.

I would take a look at Wegner's Microlight Pocket Tool Chest. It's smaller than a traditional pocket knife but still has a number of useful tools plus a flashlight. One note for people looking for "Swiss Army" knives. There are two authorized manufacturers, Victorinox and Wegner, and I'd recommend looking at both