Alice doesn’t have 1
Alice doesn’t have 1
I have had an Oura since the first generation. The one thing I would worry about with the new design is that if you have large knuckles the ring can rotate. I use the plateau to align the bottom of the ring (opposite the plateau) with the fleshy part of my finger where its sensors provide more accurate readings.
The article should mention the one true innovation the iPhone introduced, capacitive touch screen (versus the resistive touch screen which required a stylus or fingernail).
I’ll see your Emate and raise you my dear departed OQO 2:
The jumper cables seem too expensive, as does the tire gauge. I’d save some money and put it into a tire inflater.
The jumper cables seem too expensive, as does the tire gauge. I’d save some money and put it into a tire inflater.
One other situation is when flights get canceled. I was flying to a hub to catch a connecting flight. The first flight got canceled and the airline only offered a hotel voucher which meant I would miss my connecting flight. A travel agent booked me on an alternative flight and called the gate to let them know I was on…
This is an obvious cost cutting move.
Add a hydration bag filled with an an energy drink and a catheter and it’s perfect for all day gaming.
One note on body temperature. It only tells you the difference from your average, not an absolute temperature like 98.6, and you can’t what your absolute average is. I assume this is because it’s tracking skin temperature rather than body temperature.
One note on browser password managers - Firefox runs on all major desktop and mobile OSs and can sync passwords among them.
I used the Oura ring as a sleep tracker long before COVID-19 and signed up for the UCSF study. The study specifically said that it was not meant to detect COVID-19. Instead they ask you to complete a daily survey of symptoms and testing (if any). This, presumably, goes into their illness probability score but I have…
If you’ve rewatched a movie or TV show then you have no argument. Knowing how it ends doesn’t affect the quality of the movie, it, like football games, just allows you to debate how you think it should have ended.
Yes it originated in Wuhan, China and Chinese censorship contributed to the problem.
Let’s not forget the “Spanish” Flu which should have been called the American Flu. Patient Zero was likely a US Army recruit in Kansas and the flu spread to a number of military bases. Because of wartime censorship, no announcements were made and all the recruits were sent to WWI where they spread it to other…
The broadcaster was WAY out of line. But the sport deserves some of the blame. Female gymnasts cover their torsos and arms to emphasize their legs while male gymnasts cover their torsos and legs to emphasize their arms. Why those are still emphsized now, I don’t know, but I suspect it was originally to make females…
From my experience, it’s not nearly so restrictive. Previously my choices were gesture and two button. When I looked today I found (and immediately switched to) three button. I’m using a Pixel 2 with all standard (not beta) updates through this morning’s (1/28/2020) Google Play and with the January security update so…
For Windows and Android (and, I think, iOS) I recommend Libby. It handles multiple cards (the DC area also has inter-library reciprocity) and let’s you put books on hold so they will be checked out to you as soon as they are available.
We all know Donald is of the “walk it off”, “rub dirt on it”, and “what doesn’t kikl you makes you stronger” school.
You can have my parallel printer cable when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
I have to agree about the looks but browning the ribs goes against the spirit of the concept. Instead, I would use dark red kidney beans and chop up a red onion.