
If you have the budget, get a Windows tablet with pen input. Have the slide and notes display on the tablet and just the slide display on the projector. Your notes should summarize what you are going to say, the slide should serve as a talking point. Use the pen as you would a laser pointer to emphasize points on the

It's really the same debate as Windows 8 Desktop versus Window 8 Modern/Metro. Mac, like Modern, is closer to the content consumption orientation of iOS and Android (and Mac does this better than Modern). Win8 Desktop is where you go when you need to get something done.

Protein can thicken already grown hair but the hair follicles responsible for actually growing the hair get all their nutrients internally so eat the gelatin if you want to affect growth.

Heel and toe measurements work but you need to measure your shoes and it's not the easiest thing to pace out. A better measure is a cubit-the distance from your fingertip to your elbow. It's also useful to know how long your step and pace (two steps) are. A mile was originally a thousand paces. Other old measures:

I loved my UMPC (RIP after two years - fried motherboard). But rather than a Viliv, it was an OQO 02 - slide out keyboard (with a trackstick) and a Wacom digitizer. Sadly the company went out of business before the OQO 03, which would have added a dual digitizer (Wacom stylus and capacitive touch) and upgraded