
I spent pretty much the entirety of my adolescence disgusted by my labia, and I had plans to save up money and have them "fixed" before anyone saw me. And now, after much Real Life and Not Porn, I can't even figure out why. Perfectly normal and boring down there. I guess they're a little lopsided? But thinking back on

You're welcome! ^_^

Religion is small beans. I'm a Muslim, my husband is an atheist. Hardly ever comes up except when he tries to order pizza with pepperoni. You know what's gonna break a marriage? When one of you adopts a hyperactive, paranoid, un-housebroken Chihuahua and the other one HATES dogs. The Dog Person/Cat Person divide is

Very true. I have an antique grandma cat of great age who is death on paws, for mice. I also have two, good for nothing, whippersnapper cats who just sit around like the mouse problem is gonna solve itself.

Dave Arnold, chef/tech and writer of the "Cooking Issues" blog, went on a raw food diet as an experiment. He mentioned that one of the side effects of starvation is a feeling of elation. I always think of that whenever I hear people say how great juice fasts make them feel.

Wow! Thanks so much! I'll have to give it a try for sure. I've been cutting down on how often I wash my hair with soap (I just give it a rinse in the shower, generally), but I'll be the first to admit to overwashing my face.

Tell me more, tell me more!

This is literally the first time I have ever a) been excited about something involving football, and b) wanted to watch a game. Seriously, those women look amazing, and a move toward actual uniforms is only going to make them hotter/more awesome.

Having been on the receiving end of a partner's affair, this article is gross but the comments make me feel better. Some Faith In Humanity Has Been Restored.

You can be grumpy and still be a Stone-Cold Badass Muthaf***er.

I downloaded a clock app (from what I thought was a pretty reliable website) and I got hit with the MOST obnoxious Blekko tsunami. They installed a toolbar, made their page my homepage, and sent me to the Blekko search page periodically, disguised as a "page not found". Took quite a bit of digging to get rid of it.

I cannot recommend enough "Miss Manners Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior." Like, HALF of it is devoted to exactly these questions. Invites. Who sends or does not send presents. Announcements. What to do when your drunk step-uncle throws up on your bouquet. (Okay, I made that last one up. You're on your own

I've never heard that given as the reason, where did you read it? (I'm very focused on a particular time period, so I miss a lot of general Japanology.)

In classical Japan women *blackened* their teeth, so, like, the complete opposite of what's happening here. There's an old folk story called "The Girl Who Loved Insects," featuring a heroine who refuses to blacken her teeth or pluck her eyebrows. Her teeth are described as looking like "peeled grubs." Actually, the

I've heard people claim chihuahuas can't be housebroken, which may explain the preponderance of untrained, perfectly good chihuahuas in shelters.

Any more anonymous than your reply snark?

My rescue is some kind of chihuahua mix. (Little guy belonged to a friend of a friend's sister's cousin or something.) I got him because at TWO YEARS OLD he was completely un-housebroken and no one wanted him. *facepalm* With the bare minimum of dog training skills he is now housebroken, crate trained, he comes when

Hello people who are wrong on the internet! I'm a graduate of the Miss Manner's School of Niceness and Party-Throwing, here to inform you (in the politest way possible) that a wedding is not "all about the bride and groom." That's an awful idea, and people should stop spreading it about. The wedding is a party, and

What can I say? Those of us in horticulture tend to be amazing. *buffs fingernails on muddy t-shirt*

I'm with you. Merida does not pout, Merida kicks ass. (Said the looney fan girl...)