
The Mazda Brake Override System that cuts off the throttle when you press the brake and throttle simultaneously (i.e. left-foot braking) can be defeated. I found this procedure for my Mazda 2 on miata.net. (https://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=424402)

I remember looking this up in the manual. I thought it was really neat. It’s a shame they were all destroyed in the early 2000s by tuner kids who couldn’t afford a Honda.

The premium is ¥125,000 over their FARNA SL-105 this is based on.

You too can live the Hank Hill lifestyle.

Be honest. You were just looking for an excuse to post para para dancing videos. Still, I will always star for a Vellfire.

So this is what I should have done when that cop let me merge in front of him in stop and go traffic? I was already terrified I would have instantly revealed my gaijin status. I’m surprised he didn’t pull me over.

If you’re going to be riding at any pace that will actually improve your fitness, you are going to sweat all of your laptop.

By hideous, don’t you mean amazing-looking?

That’s the Mazda DNA, friend. My first car was an Escort. If I ever find a 91-96 Escort GT in great shape, I’ll buy it in a heartbeat.

As lovely as that is, remember that the brochure it was in likely ended up on coffee tables in houses that looked like this eyesore.

Last time I saw a sweet car in Akiba, things did not go well.

Now playing

There’s only one TVR that I want, and I’m fairly sure it would kill me within the first five minutes.

Easy brother. Simple mistake. He was probably using Google translate and assumed there was only one Sakai.

No joke. That’s what caught my eye in the first place.

A snowstorm shut down not only Highway 8 running through Sakai City in Osaka, but also the nearby dumpling shop Gyoza No Osho.

There’s a chicken on the other side of the car.

But if it’s not true, they’ll never reach that conclusion.

That’s for uh, special couples time. Not a lot of space for privacy in your average residence with three generations living inside. I’m sure it’s similar to Japan in that regard.