
Were these Rico Suave oranges?

Still remains to be proven. Pretty sure this picture was faked by the dude who took that sasquatch walking picture.

I’ve always been more of a Daihatsu Mira TR-XX man, myself.

Pretty sure that’s a Cultus.

Needs more echo.

Sou sou sou. *nod nod*

I never knew how small rice combines were. Wow.

It’s part of the continuing retail apocalypse. In the past decade or two, retail investment groups began making acquisitions and mergers and took out loans to do so. These loans are now coming due and they don’t enough cash to pay them back.


What about the subsequent encounter?

SN95/New Edge all day long.

Ouch. Those wages are fucked.

Wanna hear my terrible shameful secret? I never draw all the bricks.

Being a cousin to my ‘91 Ford Escort, I always wanted one of these. Never could find one. :(

Casey’s Pizza is so good that there have been several attempts at hostile corporate takeovers. Seriously.

Eff that. If I wanted to be cool, I’d have just taken that cigarette Billy tried to get me to smoke.

I knew that looked like a Ford. That takes me back to my childhood.

I tried looking, but I lost the link. :/ Might not have been reliable anyway. What is reliable, though, is the fact that it’s legal.


You can’t just throw up all these UNESCO World Heritage sites and be like “shit’s beautiful.”