
Nice try, Moriarty.

PR cars are fully federalized. You just have to pay huge taxes to bring a car over. I can dream about it.

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It’s too bad these crazy dudes rocking Peterbilts in Japan didn’t show up. Then it’d be a party.

I find it an interesting perspective, but I feel Japan is a bad example, at least a the fourth/fifth grade age group. Japan has some serious, serious bullying issues amongst older kids.

If Japan is willing to deport and ban Paul McCartney, they’ll ban anyone.

I hope Sunbelt Rental has a good insurance policy.

Brian covers Japanese culture for Kotaku, as many gamers are also interested in that topic. This is not a new phenomenon, nor is it simply because “his buddy didn’t like it.”

Tercels never seem to die either. It seems like no matter where I’m at, I always see one running around out and about in great shape.

Pretty sure a lot of HE washers say not to wash fireproof clothing in them. Washer beware.

The donut van gave it away.

They’ll make left turns if the road is at a slightly better angle.

It’s not just conservatives, dude. Most politician attempts at humor are terrible.

Oddly enough, I found the system in the new Mazdas to be pretty unintrusive. They didn’t have any of that steer for you nonsense. Pretty much just a chime.

My 2011 Mazda 2 is still kicking in Missouri. No rust yet. <o/


Yeah, but they’re never meanin’ no harm.

Unrelated: I love your username.

Please. Stop. Everybody on the conference call is going to wonder why I’m snickering.

“trying to decipher handwritten ones... that is a whole different level of hard”