
I need this in my life, and it’s only a drive up to St. Joe, but I have nowhere to park it! Ay dios mio!

Ooh, sexy AND idol girls? Sign me up. I’m gonna impress them with tales of how some goons tried to make me pay a toll to pass, so I smashed one’s face into the pavement, and smacjed the other in the face with a baseball bat.

Uhh, “Otanjoubi omedeTOOOOUUUU” and all that.

There’s a difference between coverage here and coverage at Gawker. If this were a Gawker article, the title would be “Murderer Tony Steward Pulls ‘Black Friend’ Card When Pressed About Racist Tweet.” Such a headline would not only imply guilt as opposed to “racism accusation,” but also state that he’s a murderer, when

Presumably, if hex is being uaed, that is a valid name.

Dude, you gotta be careful posting descriptions like that around here. It’s practically a sex story.

Yeah, I hate T-Shirts photoshopped onto T-Shirt models too.

I grew up near the Lake (within a 10-15 mile drive). I’ve basically written it off since childhood, and I grew up in a craphole.

Well, the Lake of the Ozarks is actually a manmade one that follows a river course, so there are plenty of channels to get some speed in. The fact remains, however, that the place is filled with assholes and meth addicts. Also, raw sewage flows into it, so mind the brown trout.

I was going to make a joke about it probably being an ad for Lux because Scarlett Johanssen already looks pretty stiff and fake in those, then it turns out it was actually a Lux ad.

Probably more Cities:Skylines and Yakuza 5. I did pick up Nier at my local Hastings liquidation, so I might start that up this weekend.

Is a violation of an injunction* illegal, regardless of alleged unconstitutionality that was yet to be litigated? Yes, I realize that if proven unconstitutional, it is retroactively not illegal, but at the time of that post it was.

That’s not cool. I know you’re just kidding around, and yeah her articles weren’t pleasant, but don’t wish that upon anyone. Instead, wish they force her to cover feel-good stories about puppies.

Can you sign it “to my biggest fan” for me? I’m gonna sell it on ebay.

He didn’t seem to blame it. Just state the fact that he was playing Pokemon Go and therefore did not see what was in front of him.

There’s something to be said for official support (which, in theory, should last a decent amount of time) and not having to trust a random dude, no matter how well it currently works.

You forgot the benefit of not spending a lot of time in Roppongi.

I love this song. Makes me wanna watch Jackie Brown. That, or play True Crime: Streets of NY, and nobody wants that.

Big fan of this sort of thing.

Yeah, but I bet the timing belt snapped when you weren’t looking.