
I really don’t think you know how contracts work... If Niantic didn’t do anything wrong and The Pokemon Company and Nintendo pulled a stunt like that, they would find themselves at the end of a breach of contract lawsuit.

You’re absolutely right. I think it’s pretty sad how much Niantic has fumbled considering their Google background. I really just thing they didn’t anticipate it to get that big so quickly.

Yeah, and it seems like when there were bugs, they were in more complex games, like Gran Turismo 2.

The states definitely doesn’t, except maybe in places like NYC. It seems pretty ideal for Japan due to the number of undrivable alleyways.

You mean the present?

Unless we’re talking more-than-2-channel audio, then no.

As Thylost said, you definitely can. The only things you’ll need to be wary of is the X/O swap in the system menus and the fact that the Topics app will continue to show news for the Japanese region (so store links from this won’t work if you’re signed into US account).

Me America. Why you make fun of? Me no friend.

As someone who works in healthcare IT, I feel your pain. I manage several different fax servers, and every software vendor wants to use a different solution. We still buy new fax machines, but they aren’t as nice as these.

“ You make good money, why do you drive such a small car?”

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

You’re right. They should have made solar dance floors for strip clubs instead.

These are pretty impressive graphics. For a moment, I thought I remembered older titles using FMVs, but I guess that was the Train Simulator series from Ongakukan.

Kind of. I mean, you’ve got to keep the schedule while not accelerating or decelerating too quickly, manage corner speeds, operate track switches (in some), deal with environmental hazards and such. I think for many, it fills a similar niche to Euro Truck Simulator(s) and American Truck Simulator: childhood dream job

You guys should wait for Amazon gold box deal on a Doug. Prime shipping and all that...

It’s impressive. He/She’s achieved naijin status. Please call off the Billiken attack.

What happens if you press the 2ch? Does it shout vague revisionist/nationalist comments regarding current events?

r/japancirclejerk is leaking...

That sound so typical of any sort of “enterprise” software. All of these quotes are from 2009 or later.

Count me in under “American Indian,” though I honestly don’t care that much. I’m half, though. My mother, who is full, feels the same way, though.