
I can't find a citation, but wiki says the CP law applies to anyone under the age of 18 (I can't exactly Google it to verify as I'm at work).

True, but the fact that she was recorded (and the videos distributed) may run afoul of some CP laws (usually with a minimum age of 18 regardless of age of consent).

Considering she is only 17, what are the repercussions for whoever posted the pics (and those who subsequently shared those pics) online?

Except their drainage system obviously sucks.

Conveniently truncated? I copy+pasted that definition. -_-

This doesn't count 'cause it's kinda awesome.


Do you even shift? ;-)

"Financial aid" may (and likely does) include a work-study component.

Phobia doesn't always mean being afraid of something. Don't be dense.

"Just OK? Please." ~Charles Pugh.

Or this one:


Well look who these guys are running against.

I love the little maniacal, shit-eating grin this thing wears.


what is this i don't even

Your personal auto insurance would probably cover it (if you have auto insurance worth anything). Or even your credit card (if you used it to book the rental).

It wasn't the mob who killed JFK. It was the Cubans, in cahoots with the CIA! I know because I saw a movie about it.