
I think the problem is that it looks like the interior was designed by someone who has only designed coach interiors for the last 20-30 years.


r u srs

Thanks for that. I was wondering.

Hate the song (ok..not hate) but like the vid.

If you hate this song then you're probably too far gone to save. I'm truly sorry.


Oh no. I just LOLd at work. I'm gonna get fired.

Step 1. Build Garage.


It's been my dream to do this to my suuuub....

The Ja Rule thing wasn't an insult/snark by the way. I'm sure you got the reference (as did most people) but I saw a few of the tweets and thought someone who didn't get it may take it as snark.

...and nothing of value was lost.

I just bought this phone 2 days ago from Target (brick and mortar) for $59.99. Microsoft store is also selling it for the same price (though they're OOS last I checked).

Nissan Altima Coupe — Market is dying

From the pics it looks like the good, football-perfect powdery snow.

Must be a date night!


I don't know how "safe" it is...but my passwords are based on a patter on the keyboard. My school email requires me to change my password every few months and eventually I just ran out of ideas that were easy to remember so I chose keyboard patterns.