It’s really amazing how we put up with this. I am guilty of it. I had a friend in middle school who stunk all the time. We never spoke about it. He always wondered why he girls never talked to him.
I don’t care your skin color. Take a fucking shower if you start to smell. I wish, if anything, airlines would start taking body odor much more seriously as an issue. I have been on flights with people who really fucking reek to the point of making you gag. If having your BO pointed out is really that traumatic, then…
Completely agreed . The guy sounds sociopathic.
Nobody deserves to be taken advantage of, PERIOD. Your attitude is what scammers use to justify their shitty amoral practices.
...yet governments can’t mandate automatic headlights AND TAIL LIGHTS that turn on when it gets dark.
Because school zones in many places aren’t a hard stop 25mph. many also say “when children are present” and have their own flashers that indicate this. So the school zone may be a part of a street that is generally 45mph, but you only go 25 during school hours specifically before and after school.
Notice the flight attendant was also black.
Some people are just dumb. Sure, I’m gonna leave you all to burn, but I’m not gonna admit that upfront. That’s called depraved indifference murder, I’m gonna agree then bail when the going gets tough so my lawyer can claim that panic overtook me and I should get no jail time for it.
My favorite Confederate flag trivia is that it was never even the flag of The Confederacy.
I love how right wing pop culture works. Take a silver spoon kid from a tawny Detroit suburb, then dirty him up and redneck him out and the MAGA crowd loves him. Bonus points for saying tasteless and outrageous things. That demographics’ entire existence is about living in a bubble and echo chamber, they can only…
Does this mean that a bunch of rednecks will stop seeing EVs as cultural genocide?
The amount of discretionary police power given to CBP in that rather arbitrary 100 miles from the border limit is frightening. I live close to the border in Washington, and things here tend to be pretty mellow compared to other places, but the presence is always felt, and I’m told that folks in the Latino community…
Now that would be smart, but smart customer-poaching would take more than an MBA fresh out of college to pull off on a regular basis.
If Enterprise or Avis were smart, they’d publicly invite the Hertz customer to rent with them and match his status.
Guess it should be no surprise that Ted receives donations from companies like Delta and Boeing?
fingers cross we can get someone, anyone, under 70 in 2028.
I am almost positive that I board on the left because that is where the door is. I tried boarding from the right once. And there is no way for me to get in. Not to mention that there is no ladder or gangway. The windows dont open. I mean I guess I could climb in through the cock pit window but I still have to get up…