
Guess what? They hadn’t committed a crime. (Not every violation of the law = a “crime.”)

Uh, let’s say that I wanted to get into tennis. Who...who might that be in the photo up top?

Justin Pugh Brett Jones wasn’t much better filling in for the injured Bobby Hart at right tackle

Source? I haven’t seen that reported anywhere.

A bad option for the Rangers, yes. (See the aforementioned consecutive 12-day, 12-game road series; effects on their ticket holders.)

Bad options all around. It’s ridiculous to call the Rangers assholes for not wanting the one that would have disproportionately affected them.

Unless I’m mistaken, the Rangers don’t control the weather. And I’m not complaining the Rangers or the Astros - I’m not a fan of either team. It’s just annoying to see people jump to heap scorn on the Rangers for not selecting one particular bad option of (what, in their view, were) several bad options.

I agree, they’re real assholes for not wanting 12 consecutive days of road games at the tail end of their season when they’re (theoretically) still in the hunt for the wild card.

It’s a shame the Astros didn’t accept the Rangers offer of just hosting the series (where I’m guessing they would have an attendance well above the ~3,500 at Tropicana) and giving the Astros their profits.

They don’t look great here only because the coverage of this story has framed it that way. The Rangers offered to host with the Astros as the home team and give them all profits from the series. That’s a perfectly reasonable accommodation. It seems more like the Astros’ management is being stubborn and trying to play

Daario was not a Dothraki, and she ordered him to stay behind in Essos to keep things together (and so that she could form a strategic alliance through marriage in Westeros).

Thought I recognized that deli just by its layout. Just to show how nonchalant some can be about crime in that area, it’s about 2 blocks from the criminal courthouses, and practically right above a police precinct (housed in the 161 4-5-6-B-D subway station.)

I’ll cut off my own arm if Trump shows us all that he can throw “a dead spiral through a tire.”

The WHAS series is coming...back? I didn’t know that Netflix periodically took down its own content.

Bernie was able to wield his influence to shape the party platform. Let’s not conflate that with the platform and messaging of Hillary’s campaign.

“Who’s my dad?”
“I don’t know. Him! [Points to TV]”

[I]ncluding the best Star Trek movie of all time, Star Trek (2009).

[I]ncluding the best Star Trek movie of all time, Star Trek (2009).

As an out-of-market baseball fan paying for MLB.tv, and a former out-of-market NFL fan who had to go to sports bars every week (Sunday Ticket wasn’t an option), it’s tough for me to be too sympathetic. Welcome to the club, EPL fans.

It’s a good thing that Spock wasn’t there with his rocket boots to startle him during his climb.

There are thousands of things my taxes support that I don’t personally use or enjoy — particular bridges, roads, services, etc. — and, I daresay, some of those are probably things that you do use or enjoy. So can you reimburse me for those things? If I didn’t support the Iraq War, can those who did reimburse me the