
It's also got voice control! Oh wait...

I know it's been confirmed that Nexus S will get ICS, but do we have to wait a few months like with the Nexus One and GingerBread?

Just got Naruto UNImpact, not too bad. Only thing left I need is Type-0. Come on SE!

Well, that's disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Is there anything else other than that one monster that MHTri and MHP3rd do not have?

Wow, I made it! Thanks for the star :)

Needs more Esper Terra.

"The UMD, or Universal Disc Media"

How about adding Minecraft? It's no longer an Xperia Play exclusive and is available for Android 2.1 and above.

Don't be too excited guys. For all you know, it'll just be a Nexus S with dual core processor, 8 megapixel camera, HSPA+ and will be called Nesus Ss.

I think the screen is called IPS LCD, not Retina.

Thought of this when I saw the first picture.

Shouldn't it be the opposite though? This is the PS1 and original XBox we're talking about.

No.1 is pretty damn good.