
That's a nice sentiment. As a pessimist, I just hope I'm never so horny that I turn into a creepy racist asshole.

Donald Sterling's penis is like the video from The Ring. The only way to get it out of your mind is to put it in someone else's. I'm so sorry.

I hope to some day feel a love so strong that it makes me hate black people.

I have two White female friends (one a friend from college, another a work friend) both married to Black men. Their realization of what it means to be associated with Black men and Black people in the US of A has led them both to awakenings like KK's. Years into their relationships they are still jarred when they

I wholeheartedly agree. People aren't born realizing these things. I grew up thinking that most racism was in the past, and the only racists left were out in east Texas wearing hoods but they weren't a real problem for most people. How wrong was I?! I am not about to mock Kim Kardashian for growing as a person and

I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for

People like to mock things that are different, calling people 'idiots' for trying something new instead of doing the same old thing. It never changes.

Think of it as a FiveFinger discount.

I mean, I would never wear them because I think they look stupid but they are great for lifting weights. I go with other minimalist designs, mainly just my chucks since they have a flat and solid sole, but I at least like the fact that it spurred other minimalist shoes to be created.

As a FiveFingers longtime user and fan, I can honestly say that this is the results of complete idiots using the footwear. If one takes precautions and eases into 'barefoot' running as recommended this wouldn't be an issue. I 100% agree with McDougall's assessment, and bikram granola dreadlocks paleo wheatgrass

I wear 5 fingers to run and most injuries (anecdotal) that I've heard of are from people who are just starting. They take the shoes out for runs like they are any other pair of sneakers. 3 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles out of the box. If you've never worn these before the breaking in period takes time. It's not the shoes,

I'd hardly call what you did "reading."

Gallup that in future studies they'll "analyze interstate migration patterns in greater detail, looking at where residents who are likely to move say they would move to," so that should be interesting.

A CT resident for almost 20 years, I can say with the utmost authority, that this is the shittiest state to live in. Taxes are astronomical(i'm paying $6000 in property taxes for a 1/4 acre with a reasonably shitty house in one of the most dangerous cities), our politicians are greedy and corrupt(governor promised us

On the subject of their team history ask him if he's also proud that they were the last team in the NFL to integrate, by about a decade, or that they had to be forced to do so kicking and screaming by the government because they were taking an extremely similar "principled" stand on not allowing any black players.

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

So, since no one was inconvenienced, it's not cheating?

What story was irresponsible/fabricated? This was first reported by, not Deadspin. Regardless, bandits are going to be highly suspect at any marathon after last year. It's certainly not the same situation as it might have been in the past.

"People cheated. Lots of people do it. But no one got hurt, so it's OK."

Completely agree. Took two hops to get the ball out of his possession, and was never in position to immediately throw home. Better angle to the ball, and he's out by at least a 1/2 step.