
When I worked in 'the city', I worked with a primarily black clientel with primarily black coworkers. It was interesting to see the huge difference of perception in what was considered 'nerdy'. Video games weren't an aberration - otherwise 'cool' guys loved Street Fighter, and my boss (a Former City Firefighter)

This guy's opening is spot-on for most 'black nerds' I know. I think Star Trek had the most lasting impact on nerdyness in black culture. An entire generation grew up with parents who revered Star Trek as a milestone, or grew up watching Sci-Fi as the example for a better society that didn't discriminate. I think

Ok, this is a kind of obligatory comment, but I clicked on the link on Aisha Tyler's name, and man people are so mean. I think she's awesome, but look at those comments on the article that's linked. People are calling her a bitch for no reason(Well, the reason is probably because they're misogynist asswipes) and that

Add Will Ferrell as a competing southern ex-NFL coach and I'd watch an entire movie of that.

Its simply an adjective being used to help you understand whose unconscious this belongs to. Specifying Black isn't implying anything in regards to being superior or inferior, it's just to further build the context on the subject for the article. I wish one day somebody can title an article like this and not get this

Well, when you're black I imagine it has everything to do with everything.

Apparently you just read the (greatly over exaggerated) article and never actually tried the series, then.

Little Mana Ishida totally killed her scene. I totally believed a big ass monster was chasing her.

Seriously I hope word of mouth keeps it alive and makes it get number 1 eventually.

This movie is seriously unlike anything we've made in the West before and is absolutely amazing. All of you...ALL OF YOU need to go see this, if this movie doesn't make loot we have all done a dis-service to ourselves as movie goers!

BASE jumping, explained. -_-

I think he's onto something here.

The question was something along the lines of, "Maybe he had decided to assault George Zimmerman and he didn't want you to know about it?"

Protip: just don't fucking ever compare things to lynching or rape.

Crucifixion AND lynching. She's just missing "Holocaust" to complete the "she did not fucking use THAT word" trifecta.

The music from de OP is like a ringtone. Shame on I.G. for not picking Yoko Kanno.