
This particular time of day, called the “Blue Hour” has been inspiring artists, poets and musicians for millennia:

Really? This sort of thing has indeed been rehashed ad nauseum for generations. The best example would be the moral panic surrounding the Flappers of Jazz Age East Coast culture. Just look up was was written about the “petting parties” that were all the rage back then, and you’ll understand what The noble Renard was

“Beaten” is a matter of quite a lot of debate. The Japanese might have already lost the conventional war by that point, but as the island-to-island fighting was proving to the American high command, the Japanese were far, far from pacified. If you believe the Japanese would have just let American Troops walk on in

For anyone who doesn’t know about the impact of the firebombing of Tokyo, there’s a movie you need to see:

Agreed. Our park boards only have the power, leeway and the funding the population provides to them it. They have a long and storied history, all of it based on the political leadership and social demands that have guided it from the time Minneapolis first began to outstrip St. Anthony as the primary of the (original)

I live in Minneapolis and have friends and relatives who are avid hunters and fishermen. Most of the pro-hunting people I know in this area are some of the staunchest conservationists you will find anywhere. They help write the hunting restrictions, abide by them to the letter, and typically eat what they kill. They

The computer simulation from John Carpenter’s The Thing showing how the alien would spread if it reached a populated area is just painful to watch now. :(

The article called for recent examples. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga dates back to the 1960s.

Every literary era has its own genre, with a handful of books that serve to epitomize the style and tone that define it. One of the more popular genres particular to the modern literature of the current era is the “Grimdark” genre of Fantasy:

From Wikipedia:

Grimdark is a subgenre or a way to describe the tone, style

I wish they would actually turn this book into a movie. Simply slapping the title on some random zombie-tinged global scavenger hunt story doesn’t qualify.

I just finished this book as well. It has a timeless humor and adventure to it, a la “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, as well as the team spirit, drama, and McGyver-esque inventiveness of “Apollo 13”. I really haven’t run into such a nice combination of these elements in one book before.

Yeah; I think this one will stick

WHat makes your word any more believable than that of the people involved, especially since you apparently created this account for the express purpose of posting your “take” on events. Anonymous “eyewitnesses” by definition suffer from a major credibility problem.

Why do you feel that they should be “called” anything? The use of racial slurs (if this really DID occur) express a racial superiority mindset and say much more about the user than they do about their target.

Yep; the famous one in British Columbia, Canada, and the not-so-famous one in Washington state, right across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon.

I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the state where what you don’t know about the weather forecast just might kill you. I could wax poetic about the craziness that occurs as a result of the extreme winters here, but you’ve all heard those stories. What you don’t know is that....

- Our annual rainfall total is higher than

“Grim Dark” may feel trendy to some, but as a visual style is very, very old as far as entertainment is concerned.

Romanticism-inspired writers such as Edgar Allen Poe, Mary Shelley, and Bram Stoker, and the rest of the Gothic Literary canon conjured what could easily be called “Grim Dark” imagery long before the

My posts have simply related to what I see as an odd, out-of-character plot twist. It would make more sense to attack the reasoning for my opinion than it would to personally attack me. Should my opinion matter any less if I was not a parent? Really?

This is an extremely weak path to take when conducting an argument.


Being a parent DOES change you, but the idea that it softens and weakens you is a complete myth, one that spits in the very face of feminism. For eons, women have faced the deaths of their children and STILL done what needed to be done without blinking, freezing, or going to pieces. The same maternal instinct you feel

The man says “action”, but it sounds as though what he really means is “punching and gunfire”. Every one of the points he raises to support his argument have their equal in other movies. The difference here seems to be an aversion to visceral, rather than cartoony, violence.

The influence of The Matrix boils down to

Um...not seeing that. THIS particular character was presented as being the leader of a large band/tribe of wildlings, on a level to stand shoulder to shoulder in a council meeting with the leaders of the cannibal band/tribe and the giant band/tribe. Other than Brienne of Tarth, she’s the ONLY woman we’ve seen on the