
Ah, good ol' penis head. Remember the series premier, and the immortal line "B-b-b-b-b-b-b. I'm freezing my ball bearings off!"? Bad, yes, but only 1980s cheesy-bad, not 'rip your eyeballs out' bad....

Yes, I'm looking at the Transformers 2 "Ghettobots" (I'll have to be sure to remember to use that term for them the

Best cancelled show(s)? Easy. I still miss my Friday night double-shot of evil, depression, horror and sharp writing:

I freakin' LOVED that show as a kid. Sure, it was a Raiders of the Lost Ark knock-off, but it was AWESOME.

For decades, I've missed a show I watched when I was a kid that only managed to make through a single season. Doesn't anyone remember "Q.E.D."?:

From Wikipedia:

"Q.E.D. is a 1982 short-lived adventure series set in Edwardian England, starring Sam Waterston as Professor Quentin Everett Deverill. The Professor was a

Was that Russell Crowe? It was! AND this is written by the same guy who wrote Inglorious Basterds? Yeah...I'm all in.

Was that Russell Crowe? It was! AND this is written by the same guy who wrote Inglorious Basterds? Yeah...I'm all in.