I find Kid Icarus Uprising a lot harder without the 3D effect on, specifically when dodging projectiles.
I find Kid Icarus Uprising a lot harder without the 3D effect on, specifically when dodging projectiles.
Dang it. I have a launch 3ds... I really wanted to upgrade to a new 3DS XL (LL), but those damn faceplates... Normally I'd be fine with just getting both, but since I have 'exclusive' games tied to my 3DS (the ones they gave to early adopters but don't sell on the store) and I believe if I transfer them to a new one I…
My guess is that when Yoshi swallows them the model is scaled down, and then scaled back up again when they 'hatch' from the egg, and for some reason the multiplier is setting the scale larger than before being swallowed... not sure why it would only be on one mode, though. Really neat bug, makes me wish I could see…
Yes, please, proper Battle Mode maps are a must. This re-purposed track garbage makes the mode a joke.
I can't decide if that was a ballsy journalist move, trying to really test the limits of the machine in order to review it for the people, or a dick move that would have fucked up a unit for everyone else at the TGS who would have liked to try it.
So the C-Stick is basically like a pointing stick (Clit mouse), right?
I've been platinum every year for... 6 years now? No e-mail yet... :c
Which is also the only console where minecraft could work well, considering the touch screen...
This could make me get back into Minecraft... I really just like exploring the generated world, but the wonder kind of wore off a while ago.
I really just want the ability to rotate my camera manually during replays... you know, like every other racing game with a replay function has offered since ever.
Hearing you write that has motivated me to dive back into the ME series... I beat ME3 before any DLC, and I couldn't put myself through that ending again. It's not that I even think it was badly written, it was just emotionally devastating.
Technically, they were right. It wasn't a binary choice.
It was a trinary choice.
I gotta be honest... I've never had that much fun exploring these procedural worlds compared to a handcrafted world made by a team of artists. Now, minecraft comes close with the number of neat terrain features it has- cliffs, caves, waterfalls, lava flows, oceans, deserts, forests, etc- but it is still a far cry even…
Yeah, well, I bought Witcher and Witcher 2 TWICE because of them selling on GOG.
Wait, you can? When did that happen?
Is it just me or does that bartender look like Jensen Ackles?
Uh, don't you think that calling muscular men hulking lumbering idiots is just as bad a stereotype? Or do you feel OK using that one since it doesn't apply to you?
... Publishers... of... indie games...
I can understand some of these, in a way, but stuff like Crysis 2? That was released in 2011. What the actual fuck, EA?
Good thing you lead such a low-key, stress-free life, then.... right?
If you knew anything about the engine (or 3D rendering in general) you'd know how silly what you said is.