
Factor 5 <3

Abs Crunchum.

More like Drag-queen Age: Inquisition... Amirite?

I have a feeling Pam's skill is to lean out of her cube and comment that it sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays.

Slowly pushing up on the circle pad shouldn't register as a jump: It never has in a Smash Bros game and slowly tilting up on the analog stick is how you do your up tilt attacks (um, otherwise, there'd be no other way to do them if it always resulted in a jump).

Awkwardly, a lot of the issues Patricia is complaining

If they bring back Block Fort, I will buy a Wii U.

1. The character shown in the trailer is not wearing Link's traditional green outfit

"Another" client is better than downloading a bunch of individual installers and keeping icons on your desktop. I, for one, welcome this. If GOG, EA and Ubisoft aren't willing to fully integrate with Steam at least they can create their own centralized services... and hopefully continue to improve them.

It's a T2 Thursday!

It's an island, they got nowhere to go. :|

The A-10 is NOT A FIGHTER.

It is a dedicated GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT that performs the role of close air support. It is a tank and bunker killer, not a hunter of planes. That is why it has the prefix "A" (for Attack) instead of the prefix "F" (For Fighter). Get it right.

My speculation is that it will be revealed that Walt Jr. is the brains behind everything the whole time. He was Gus' boss and now he plays his dad like a marionette. After Walt confesses his ways to his son Walt Jr. will just laugh and say "No shit dad, who do you think bought all of the Captain Crunch?"

How about no? It's an engineering and an electrical nightmare. It literally cannot work under any possible technology we have today and there's no reason for manufacturers to make parts to work with it to begin with.

Blues, Greens, and Oranges, mate.

What this fellow wants is a video game in which all conflict is resolved via intense discourse.

I have little sympathy for either party here. But Fish consistently rubs me and many others up the wrong way. Ive seen Indie Game: the movie and as an aspiring designer myself, i absolutely sympathise with the shit he had to go through to get his project made.