Your headlines implies there is some kind of unified idea of what makes the perfect MMO... There are huge differences in opinion there.
Your headlines implies there is some kind of unified idea of what makes the perfect MMO... There are huge differences in opinion there.
Because confirmation bias. Tons of people smoke weed and don't talk about it.
"A blue plate"
You can't make 3rd party dev's make games for your console unless you move a lot of hardware. You can't move a lot of hardware unless you have some killer titles.
This leaves you with one path to get 3rd party support. Make killer 1st party games.
I'll get one eventually.
I have a gaming PC. Every genre of game that hte PS3 and 360 offered, and seemingly the PS4 and Xbox One will offer, can be played in better quality with a keyboard and mouse or a gamepad. I have no real reason except the few exclusives to get those games. The Wii and the Wii U offer many games…
Everyone has an unrealistic expectation that it will somehow live up to the Wii's mind bending success.
If you're comparing it to the PS2 HD remakes, then that's not really fair. Those games do little more than up-scaling the resolution the game renders at. To be honest, a trivial amount of work. The Wind Waker remake is completely being remodeled.
The quality "feasible" science behind the Mass Effect universe has always made it one of my favorite Science Fiction works.
If you were to just "assume Element Zero" were real, almost everything in the games codex would check out. With a few exceptions of course, like quantum particle entanglement being capable of…
I still feel irrationally sad when I remember that he's not working in the industry anymore... been a role model for me for well over 15 years.
Clifford Bleszinski is a damn fine designer. The fact that he designed an incredibly polished game with broad appeal does not mean his work can be discounted as the product of some kind of algorithmic focus group checklist design.
At least he acknowledges that Fish fails to speak with his brain. He seems like he's a pretty smart guy, but socially maladjusted.
Maybe Dude Huge is just in it for the lulz.
I think he enjoys it. The constant internet fights he gets in with people. I just can't imagine why else he would perpetuate them.
Every time I'm just about to feel bad for him, I suddenly remember or see some of the things he's said- unwarranted, and I'm reminded of that if you perpetually find yourself surrounded by drama and fighting, maybe it's time to look to yourself.
Amazing could be describing the quality of the review, which is independent of the game's quality.
I actually do have another office type chair, off camera, I use that chair when I'm watching things, gaming with a gamepad, or drawing, since I'm leaning forward anyway. It's extremely comfortable.
I spend more time with 3D, but both. I also do video editing, various photoshop things, programming. I spend a lot of free time working on various game projects. This is my battlestation, and it consumes my life. I love it.
But... I use that...
I don't really upload stuff to youtube, I do editing for people though when commissioned, though.
Three 25" Asus displays, fourth display is a 46" Sony Bravia on the opposite wall with the couch for steam big picture mode.
Bulletstorm was one of the only FPS games to actually do something fresh with the genre in years. It was mechanically unique, and very fun if played as it was intended (read: not CoD). It was also aesthetically splendid.
You have terrible opinions, and you should feel bad.