
When I saw their kickstarter, I seriously thought they were a parody... It blows my mind that this is a real thing.

Is not available in every television set, though it's more and more common. It wasn't nearly as common back when the PS3 first launched, though. Also, not all devices include CEC, like the competing product- Xbox 360.

Controlling your PS3 via your Television remote is not an industry standard feature, and it's the only one I even mentioned.

Uhm, what?

I didn't mean to imply that Sony invented HDMI, or that they were exclusive in this functionality. Are you saying that Sony devices allow you to program their remotes for other devices, or that competitors devices offer that?

My PS3, Sony Bravia, Sony Audio system all interact flawlessly, passing data over HDMI- I can control my PS3 with my TV remote for example. Sony does a really good job making all their stuff inter-operable.

Do you ever stop and think about the shit that you say?

Uhhhhh... I... don't know how to react to this.

You really thinks so? I thought that was one of the most faithful prerendered trailers ever, the gameplay seemed like it mirrored that prerendered trailer nicely.

I'm just happy it's not dead. This is one of the few games that has actually managed to excite me in a long time.

I'll gladly take your copy if you don't like it.

Perhaps you would enjoy playing the game in a role playing capacity.

For example, for any villager that I really wasn't fond of, I would write them threatening letters, though they never seemed to get the point. I would wait for them to go home at night, and as soon as

Oh UK, tell us again how horrible the US is with our guns. What's that? I can't hear you over the highest violent crime rates in Europe. Enjoy your knife crime.

That comma doesn't seem right.

* in the realm of polygons.

Most engines are focused on lighting, shaders, particles, and texture processing.

I can't not see the rear cinch... I ride too much.

I can't read!


Whatever happens, his body is ready.

Phil Fish is the kind of guy that will never be able to work with a team, and I'm glad I don't have to work with him. He worked hard on a game and I'll buy it, though.


Because playing a game about my incessant desire to kill myself is just how I want to spend the little time in which I have energy.